Owning real estate in more than one state may multiply probate costs
One goal of estate planning is to avoid or minimize probate. This is particularly important if you own real estate in more than one state. Why? Because each piece of real estate titled in your name must go through probate in the state where the property is located.
Cost and time can become issues
Probate is a court-supervised administration of your estate. If probate proceedings are required in several states, the process can become expensive.
For example, your representative will need to engage a probate lawyer in each state, file certain documents in each state and comply with other redundant administrative requirements. In addition to the added expense, the process may also delay the settlement of your estate.
Place all real estate into a revocable trust
If you have a revocable trust (sometimes called a “living trust”), the simplest way to avoid multiple probate proceedings is to ensure that the trust holds the title to all of your real estate. Generally, this involves preparing a deed transferring each property to the trust and recording the deed in the county where the property is located. Property held in a revocable trust generally doesn’t have to go through probate.
Before you transfer real estate to a revocable trust, we can help determine if doing so will have negative tax or estate planning implications. For example, will transferring a residence to a trust affect your eligibility for homestead exemptions from property taxes or other tax breaks? Will the transfer affect any mortgages on the property? Will it be subject to any real property transfer taxes?
It’s also important to consider whether transferring title to property will affect the extent to which it’s shielded from the claims of creditors. Please contact us with any questions.
© 2022
FMD’s estate planning team will work with you and your legal and financial advisers to design plans that align with your goals and objectives. When it comes to estate planning and wealth preservation, every one of our clients receives the quality of service and personal attention that are the hallmarks of FMD. To learn more about how we can help address your estate planning and wealth preservation needs, contact us today.
Should your business address retirement plan leakage?
Under just about any circumstances, the word “leakage” has negative connotations. And so it follows that this indeed holds true for retirement planning as well.
In this context, leakage refers to early, pre-retirement withdrawals from an account. Now, as a business owner who sponsors a qualified retirement plan, you might say, “Well, that’s my participants’ business, not mine.”
However, there are valid reasons to care about the issue and perhaps address it with employees who participate in your plan.
Why it matters
For starters, leakage can lead to higher plan expenses. Fees are often determined on a per-account or per-participant basis. When a plan loses funds to leakage, total assets and individual account sizes shrink, which tends to hurt administrative efficiency and raise costs.
More broadly, if your employees are taking pre-retirement withdrawals, it could indicate they’re facing unusual financial challenges. These usually have a negative impact on productivity and work quality. What’s more, workers who raid their accounts may be unable to retire when they reach retirement age.
Of course, the COVID-19 pandemic has put many people in difficult financial positions that have led them to consider withdrawing some funds from their retirement accounts. More recently, “the Great Resignation” might have some account holders pondering whether they should quit their jobs and pull out some retirement funds to live on temporarily or use to start a gig or business of their own.
What you might do
Perhaps the most important thing business owners can do to limit leakage is educate and remind employees about how pre-retirement withdrawals can diminish their accounts and delay their anticipated retirement dates. While you’re at it, provide broader financial education to help workers better manage their money, amass savings, and minimize or avoid the need for an early withdrawal.
Some companies offer emergency loans that are repayable through payroll deductions, thus providing an avenue around the use of retirement funds. Others have revised their plan designs to reduce the number of situations under which plan participants can take out hardship withdrawals or loans.
Minimize the impact
“Roughly 22% of net contributions made by those 50 or younger leaks out of the retirement savings system in a given year,” according to a 2021 report released by the Joint Committee on Taxation.
Some percentage of retirement plan leakage will probably always occur to some extent. Nonetheless, being aware of the problem and taking steps to minimize it are worthy measures for any business that sponsors a qualified plan. We can answer any questions you might have about leakage or other aspects of plan administration and compliance.
© 2022
Use the net gift technique to reduce your gift tax rate
If you’re concerned about the impact of transfer taxes on your gifts, consider making “net gifts” to your loved ones. A net gift is simply a gift for which the recipient agrees to pay the gift tax, thereby reducing the value of the gift for tax purposes. It may also be possible to reduce its value further through the “net, net gift” technique.
The technique in action
The easiest way to demonstrate the benefits of a net gift is through an example. Suppose you’d like to make a $1 million gift to your adult son. For purposes of this example, also assume that you’ve already exhausted your federal gift and estate tax exemption amount, so the gift is fully taxable. At the current 40% marginal rate, the tax on your $1 million gift would be $400,000. However, if your son agrees to pay the gift tax as a condition of receiving the gift, then the value of the gift would be reduced by the amount of tax, which in turn would reduce the amount of gift tax owed.
Rather than get caught up in an endless loop of calculating the tax, reducing the gift’s value, recalculating the tax, and so on, there’s a simple formula for determining your son’s tax liability: Gift tax = tentative tax/(1 + tax rate). In our example, the tentative tax is $400,000 (the tax that would’ve been owed on an outright gift), so the gift tax on the net gift would be $400,000/1.4 = $285,714.
You can confirm that the math works out by assuming that you give your son $1 million and that he agrees to pay $285,714 in gift taxes. That tax liability reduces the gift to $1 million - $285,714 = $714,287, resulting in a tax liability of .40 x $714,287 = $285,714.
By using a net gift technique, you reduce the effective tax rate on the $1 million transfer from 40% to only 28.57%. Note that if the gift is in the form of appreciated assets rather than cash, the recipient’s payment of the tax liability can result in capital gains taxes for the donor.
Taking it up a notch
It may be possible to further reduce the effective gift tax rate by using a net, net gift. Under this technique, in addition to assuming liability for gift taxes, the recipient also agrees to pay any estate tax liability that might arise by virtue of the so-called “three-year rule.”
Under that rule, gifts made within three years of death are pulled back into the donor’s estate and subject to estate taxes. The U.S. Tax Court has effectively given its blessing to the net, net gift technique, allowing the value of a gift to be reduced by the actuarial value of the recipient’s contingent obligation to pay estate taxes that would be owed if the donor were to die within three years of making the gift.
If you’re considering the net gift technique, consult with us before taking any action.
© 2022
FMD’s estate planning team will work with you and your legal and financial advisers to design plans that align with your goals and objectives. When it comes to estate planning and wealth preservation, every one of our clients receives the quality of service and personal attention that are the hallmarks of FMD. To learn more about how we can help address your estate planning and wealth preservation needs, contact us today.
Prudent technology upgrades call for some soul searching
By now, most business owners view technology upgrades as inevitable. Whether hardware or software, the tech your company relies on to operate will need to change slightly or even drastically for you to stay competitive.
Strange as it may sound, technology upgrades demand a bit of soul searching. That is, before spending the money, you need to dig deep for insights about what your business really needs and whether your employees or customers will appreciate your efforts.
Ask the right questions
Begin the decision process with a series of inquiries. That is, sit down with your leadership team and ask questions such as:
What are the specific functionalities that we need?
Do we need hardware, software or both?
If software, are we looking at an entirely new platform or a smaller upgrade within our existing systems?
Assuming you already have a technology infrastructure in place, compatibility is an issue, too. If you’re using an older operating system, new software could be buggy or flat-out incompatible. In either case, you could incur substantial additional costs to update or replace your operating system, which might involve new hardware and impact other software.
When deciding whether to upgrade internal systems, get input from your staff. For example, your accounting personnel should be able to tell you what types of reports they would want from upgraded financial management software. From there, you can establish criteria for comparing different packages.
If you’re considering changes to a “front-facing” system, you might want to first survey customers to determine whether the upgrade would improve their experience. Ask them questions about what works and what doesn’t to assess whether major or minor changes are needed.
Create a “hot list”
As you’re no doubt aware, there’s no shortage of hardware and software vendors out there. So, just as you’d do your homework on a major asset purchase or the lease of a large office space, do it for a technology upgrade as well.
Generally, longevity is a plus. Look for companies that have been in business for at least five to 10 years, have a track record of successful implementations and can provide references from satisfied customers. Also find out what kind of technical support is included with your purchase.
For example, if you’re doing a software upgrade, is training part of the package? If not, you’ll likely need to send one or more IT staffers out for training or engage a third-party trainer, both of which will cost you additional dollars. And keep in mind that, if you buy a top-of-the-line system but the vendor’s customer service is nonexistent, you and your employees probably won’t be happy.
Your goal is to create a “hot list” of top vendors. With this list in hand, you can get down to the serious business of comparing the various bids. To aid you in this critical decision, ask for free trial periods or online demos to help you choose the best product for your company.
Ensure a happy ending
You’ve likely heard horror stories of businesses that haphazardly attempted to upgrade their technology only to lose time, money and morale fixing the resulting problems. Approach this task cautiously to ensure your upgrade story has a happy ending. For help estimating the costs and projecting the financial impact of a tech upgrade, please contact us.
© 2022
The donor-advised fund: A powerful vehicle for charitable giving
If charitable giving is important to you, consider a donor-advised fund (DAF). A DAF — typically sponsored and managed by a community foundation or commercial investment company — offers many of the benefits of a private foundation at a fraction of the cost.
Upsides of a DAF
A DAF allows you to make tax-deductible contributions to an investment account and to advise the fund regarding which charities your contributions and earnings should be used to support. Tax regulations require the sponsor to have the final say on how your charitable dollars are spent, but in most cases the fund will follow your recommendations.
The advantages of a DAF include:
Immediate charitable deductions. The ability to set up a DAF quickly and secure an immediate charitable income tax deduction, without the need to identify a specific charitable beneficiary, is attractive to many donors. Why does this matter? Perhaps this is an ideal year for you — from a tax perspective — to make significant charitable donations, but you haven’t determined which charities you want to support.
Simplicity and low cost. Setting up a DAF is nearly as cheap and easy as opening a mutual fund account. Minimum contributions average around $25,000, although some DAFs allow you to open an account with as little as $5,000.
Private foundations, on the other hand, usually involve six- or seven-figure contributions, take several months to set up, and come with significant legal fees and other expenses. And while a DAF’s sponsor handles investment management and administration, a private foundation requires you to establish a board, hold periodic board meetings, keep meeting minutes and file tax returns.
Higher deduction limits. Cash contributions to DAFs, like donations to other public charities, are deductible up to 60% of your adjusted gross income (AGI). Noncash contributions are deductible up to 30% of AGI. Deduction limits for private foundations are 30% and 20%, respectively.
Privacy. Unlike private foundations and other charitable giving vehicles, a DAF allows you to remain anonymous if you so desire. Technically, when a DAF sponsor donates to a charity, it’s distributing its own assets, so you can elect to keep your name out of it. Alternatively, you can name your DAF after your mission — for example, the Fund for Alzheimer’s Research.
Downsides of a DAF
Once you contribute assets to a DAF, they become the sponsor’s property. Your role in directing distributions is, as the name indicates, strictly advisory, and you have little or no control over investment management.
Evaluate the costs and benefits
Whether a DAF is right for you depends on how much you plan to give to charity, the amount of time and resources you wish to commit to philanthropic activities, your need to retain control over your charitable assets, and other estate planning objectives. We can help you evaluate the relative costs and benefits to determine if a DAF is right for you.
© 2022
FMD’s estate planning team will work with you and your legal and financial advisers to design plans that align with your goals and objectives. When it comes to estate planning and wealth preservation, every one of our clients receives the quality of service and personal attention that are the hallmarks of FMD. To learn more about how we can help address your estate planning and wealth preservation needs, contact us today.
Approach turnaround acquisitions with due care
Economic changes wrought by the COVID-19 pandemic, along with other factors, drove historic global mergers and acquisitions (M&A) activity in 2021. Experts expect 2022 to be another busy year for dealmaking.
In many cases, M&A opportunities arise when a business adversely affected by economic circumstances decides that getting acquired by another company is the optimal — or only — way to remain viable. If you get the chance to acquire a distressed business, you might indeed be able to expand your company’s operational scope and grow its bottom line. But you’ll need to take due care before closing the deal.
Looking at the long term
Although so-called “turnaround acquisitions” can yield substantial long-term rewards, acquiring a troubled target can also pose greater risks than buying a financially sound business. The keys are choosing a company with fixable problems and having a detailed plan to address them.
Look for a business with hidden value, such as untapped market opportunities, poor leadership or excessive costs. Also consider cost-saving or revenue-building synergies with other companies that you already own. Assess whether the return on investment will likely exceed the acquisition’s immediate costs and ongoing risks.
Doing your homework
Successful turnaround acquisitions start by understanding the target company’s core business — specifically, its profit drivers and roadblocks.
If you rush into the acquisition, or let emotions cloud your judgment, you could misread the company’s financial statements, misjudge its financial condition and, ultimately, devise an ineffective course of rehabilitative action. This is why so many successful turnarounds are conducted by buyers in the same industry as the sellers or by investors, such as private equity funds, that specialize in a particular sector.
During the due diligence phase, pinpoint the source(s) of your target’s distress. Common examples include:
Excessive fixed costs,
Lack of skilled labor,
Decreased demand for its products or services, and
Overwhelming debt.
Then determine what, if any, corrective measures can be taken. Don’t be surprised to find hidden liabilities — such as pending legal actions or deferred tax liabilities — beyond those you already know about.
You also might find potential sources of value, such as tax breaks or proprietary technologies. Benchmarking the company’s performance against that of its industry peers can help reveal where the potential for profit lies.
Identifying cash flows
Another critical step in due diligence is identifying cash flows, both in and out. Determine what products or services drive revenue and which costs hinder profitability. Does it make sense to divest the business of unprofitable products, services, subsidiaries, divisions or real estate?
Implementing a long-term cash-management plan and developing a forecast based on receipts and disbursements is also critical. Revenue-generating and cost-cutting measures — such as eliminating excessive overtime pay, lowering utility bills, and collecting unbilled or overdue accounts receivable — can often be achieved following a thorough evaluation of accounting controls and procedures.
Reliable due diligence hinges on whether the target company’s accounting and financial reporting systems can produce the appropriate data. If these systems don’t accurately capture transactions, and fully list assets and liabilities, you’ll likely encounter some unpleasant surprises and struggle to turn around the business.
Structuring the deal
Parties to a business acquisition generally structure the deal as a sale of either assets or stock. Buyers generally prefer asset deals, which allow them to select the most desirable items from the target company’s balance sheet. In addition, the buyer receives a step-up in basis on the acquired assets, which lowers future tax obligations. And the buyer gets to negotiate new contracts, licenses, titles and permits.
On the other hand, sellers typically prefer to sell stock, not assets. Selling stock simplifies the deal, and tax obligations are usually lower for the seller. However, stock sales may be riskier for buyers because the business continues to operate uninterrupted, and the buyer takes on all debts and legal obligations. The buyer also inherits the seller’s existing depreciation schedules and tax basis in the company’s assets.
Developing a plan
Current market conditions will likely continue to generate turnaround acquisition opportunities in many industries. We can help you conduct data-driven due diligence and develop a strategic M&A plan that minimizes potential risks and maximizes long-term value.
© 2022
New tax reporting requirements for payment apps could affect you
If you run a business and accept payments through third-party networks such as Zelle, Venmo, Square or PayPal, you could be affected by new tax reporting requirements that take effect for 2022. They don’t alter your tax liability, but they could add to your recordkeeping burden, as well as the number of tax-related documents you receive every January in anticipation of tax-filing season.
Form 1099-K primer
Form 1099-K, “Payment Card and Third-Party Network Transactions,” is an information return that reports certain payment transactions to the IRS and the taxpayer who receives the payments. Since it was first introduced in 2012, the form has been used to report payments:
From payment card transactions (for example, debit, credit or stored-value cards), and
In settlement of third-party network transactions, when above a certain minimum threshold amount.
For 2021 and prior years, the threshold was defined as gross payments that exceeded $20,000 and more than 200 such transactions. Note that no minimum threshold applies to payment card transactions — all such payments must be reported.
Taxpayers should receive a Form 1099-K from each “payment settlement entity” (PSE) from which they received payments in settlement of reportable payment transactions (that is, a payment card or third-party network transaction) during the tax year. Form 1099-K reports the gross amount of all reportable transactions for the year and by month. The dollar amount of each transaction is determined on the transaction date.
In the case of third-party network payments, the gross amount of a reportable payment doesn’t include any adjustments for credits, cash equivalents, discounts, fees, refunds or other amounts. In other words, the full amount reported might not represent the taxable amount.
Businesses (including independent contractors) should consider the amounts reported when calculating their gross receipts for income tax purposes. Depending on filing status, the amounts generally should be reported on Schedule C (Form 1040), “Profit or Loss From Business, Sole Proprietorship;” Schedule E (Form 1040), “Supplemental Income and Loss;” Schedule F (Form 1040), “Profit or Loss From Farming;” or the appropriate return for partnerships or corporations.
Understanding the new rules
The American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), which was signed into law in March of 2021, brought significant changes to the requirements regarding Form 1099-K. The changes are intended to improve voluntary tax compliance.
Beginning in 2022, the number of transactions component of the threshold for reporting third-party network transactions is eliminated, and the gross payments threshold drops to only $600. The change is expected to boost the number of Forms 1099-K many businesses receive in January 2023 for the 2022 tax year and going forward.
The ARPA also includes an important clarification. Since Form 1099-K was introduced, stakeholders have been uncertain about which types of third-party network transactions should be included. The ARPA makes clear that these transactions are reportable only if they’re for goods and services. Payments for royalties, rent and other transactions settled through a third-party network are reported on Form 1099-MISC, “Miscellaneous Information.”
The ARPA changes heighten only the reporting obligations of third-party payment networks; they don’t affect individual taxpayer requirements. They might, however, reduce your odds of inadvertently underreporting income and paying the price down the road.
Taking steps toward accurate reporting
While the increased reporting doesn’t require any specific changes of affected taxpayers, you’d be wise to institute some measures to ensure the reporting is accurate. For example, consider monitoring your payments and the amounts so you know whether you should receive a Form 1099-K from a particular PSE. Notably, you’re required to report the associated income regardless of whether you receive the form.
You’ll also want to step up your recordkeeping to allow you to reconcile any Forms 1099-K with the actual amounts received. If you have multiple sources of income, track and report each separately even if you receive a single Form 1099-K with gross payments for all of the businesses. For example, if you process both retail sales and rent payments on the same card terminal, your tax preparer would report the retail sales on Schedule C and the rent on Schedule E.
If you permit customers to get cash back when using debit cards for purchases, the cash back amounts will be included on Form 1099-K. Those amounts generally aren’t included in your gross receipts or businesses expenses, though, making it critical that you track cash-back activity to prevent inclusion.
Amounts reported could be inaccurate if you share a credit card terminal with another person or business. Where required, consider filing and furnishing the appropriate information return (for example, Form 1099-K or Form 1099-MISC) for each party with whom you shared a card terminal. In addition, keep records of payments issued to every party sharing your terminal, including shared terminal written agreements and cancelled checks.
Other potential landmines include:
Incorrect amounts due to mid-tax year changes in entity type (for example, from a sole proprietorship to a partnership),
Forms issued to you as an individual, with your Social Security number, rather than to your C corporation, S corporation or partnership, with its taxpayer identification number,
Incorrect amounts due to a mid-tax year sale or purchase of a business, and
Duplicate payments that appear on both a Form 1099-K and either a Form 1099-MISC or a Form 1099-NEC, “Nonemployee Compensation.”
If you receive a form with errors in your taxpayer identification number or payment amount, request a corrected form from the PSE and maintain records of all related correspondence.
Don’t dawdle
It may seem tempting to put off the steps necessary to establish solid recordkeeping procedures for payments from third-party networks, but that would be a mistake. We can help you set up the necessary processes and procedures now so you’re in compliance and not scrambling at tax time.
© 2022
The 2021 gift tax return deadline is almost here, too
April 18, 2022, is the deadline for filing your federal income tax return. Keep in mind that the gift tax return deadline is on the very same date. So, if you made large gifts to family members or heirs last year, it’s important to determine whether you’re required to file Form 709.
Filing requirements
Generally, you must file a gift tax return for 2021 if, during the tax year, you made gifts that exceeded the $15,000-per-recipient annual gift tax exclusion (other than to your U.S. citizen spouse). (For 2022, the exclusion amount has increased to $16,000 per recipient or $32,000 if you split gifts with your spouse.)
You also need to file if you made gifts to a Section 529 college savings plan and wish to accelerate up to five years’ worth of annual exclusions ($75,000) into 2021. Other reasons to file include making gifts:
That exceeded the $159,000 (for 2021) annual exclusion for gifts to a noncitizen spouse,
Of future interests (such as remainder interests in a trust) regardless of the amount, or
Of jointly held or community property.
Keep in mind that you’ll owe gift tax only to the extent an exclusion doesn’t apply and you’ve used up your federal gift and estate tax exemption ($11.7 million for 2021). As you can see, some transfers require a return even if you don’t owe tax.
No return required
No gift tax return is required if your gifts for the year consist solely of gifts that are tax-free because they qualify as annual exclusion gifts, present interest gifts to a U.S. citizen spouse, educational or medical expenses paid directly to a school or health care provider, or political or charitable contributions.
But if you transferred hard-to-value property, such as artwork or interests in a family-owned business, consider filing a gift tax return even if you’re not required to. Adequate disclosure of the transfer in a return triggers the statute of limitations, generally preventing the IRS from challenging your valuation more than three years after you file.
Be ready
If you’re unsure whether you need to file a gift tax return or if you owe gift tax to the IRS, we can help. Act quickly, though, because the filing deadline is fast approaching.
© 2022
FMD’s estate planning team will work with you and your legal and financial advisers to design plans that align with your goals and objectives. When it comes to estate planning and wealth preservation, every one of our clients receives the quality of service and personal attention that are the hallmarks of FMD. To learn more about how we can help address your estate planning and wealth preservation needs, contact us today.
2022 deadlines for reporting health care coverage information
Ever since the Affordable Care Act was signed into law, business owners have had to keep a close eye on how many employees they’ve had on the payroll. This is because a company with 50 or more full-time employees or full-time equivalents on average during the previous year is considered an applicable large employer (ALE) for the current calendar year. And being an ALE carries added responsibilities under the law.
What must be done
First and foremost, ALEs are subject to Internal Revenue Code Section 4980H — more commonly known as “employer shared responsibility.” That is, if an ALE doesn’t offer minimum essential health care coverage that’s affordable and provides at least “minimum value” to its full-time employees and their dependents, the employer may be subject to a penalty.
However, the penalty is triggered only when at least one of its full-time employees receives a premium tax credit for buying individual coverage through a Health Insurance Marketplace (commonly referred to as an “exchange”).
ALEs must do something else as well. They need to report:
Whether they offered full-time employees and their dependents the opportunity to enroll in minimum essential coverage under an eligible employer-sponsored plan,
Whether the offered coverage was affordable and provided at least minimum value, and
Certain other information the IRS uses to administer employer shared responsibility.
The IRS has designated Forms 1094-C and 1095-C to satisfy these reporting requirements. Each full-time employee, and each enrolled part-time employee, must receive a Form 1095-C. These forms also need to be filed with the IRS. Form 1094-C is used as a transmittal for the purpose of filing Forms 1095-C with the IRS.
3 key deadlines
If your business was indeed an ALE for calendar year 2021, put the following three key deadlines on your calendar:
February 28, 2022. This is the deadline for filing the Form 1094-C transmittal, as well as copies of related Forms 1095-C, with the IRS if the filing is made on paper.
March 2, 2022. This is the deadline for furnishing the written statement, Form 1095-C, to full-time employees and to enrolled part-time employees. Although the statutory deadline is January 31, the IRS has issued proposed regulations with a blanket 30-day extension. ALEs can rely on the proposed regulations for the 2021 tax year (in other words, forms due in 2022).
In previous years, the IRS adopted a similar extension year-by-year. The extension in the proposed regulations will be permanent if the regulations are finalized. No other extensions are available for this deadline.
March 31, 2022. This is the deadline for filing the Form 1094-C transmittal and copies of related Forms 1095-C with the IRS if the filing is made electronically. Electronic filing is mandatory for ALEs filing 250 or more Forms 1095-C for the 2021 calendar year. Otherwise, electronic filing is encouraged but not required.
Whether you’re a paper or electronic filer, you can apply for an automatic 30-day extension of the deadlines to file with the IRS. However, the extension is available only if you file Form 8809, “Application for Extension of Time to File Information Returns,” before the applicable due date.
Alternative method
If your company offers a self-insured health care plan, you may be interested in an alternative method of furnishing Form 1095-C to enrolled employees who weren’t full-time for any month in 2021.
Rather than automatically furnishing the written statement to those employees, you can make the statement available to them by posting a conspicuous plain-English notice on your website that’s reasonably accessible to everyone. The notice must state that they may receive a copy of their statement upon request. It needs to also include:
An email address for requests,
A physical address to which a request for a statement may be sent, and
A contact telephone number for questions.
In addition, the notice must be written in a font size large enough, including any visual clues or graphical figures, to highlight that the information pertains to tax statements reporting that individuals had health care coverage. You need to retain the notice in the same location on your website through October 17, 2022. If someone requests a statement, you must fulfill the request within 30 days of receiving it.
Identify your obligations
Although the term “applicable large employer” might seem to apply only to big companies, even a relatively small business with far fewer than 100 employees could be subject to the employer shared responsibility and information reporting rules. We can help you identify your obligations under the Affordable Care Act and assess the costs associated with the health care coverage that you offer.
© 2022
Does your trust need protection?
Designing an estate plan can be a delicate balancing act. On the one hand, you want to preserve as much wealth as possible for your family by protecting it from estate taxes and creditors’ claims. On the other hand, you want to have some control over your assets during your life.
Unfortunately, these two goals often conflict with each other. Generally, the most effective way to remove wealth from your taxable estate and shield it from creditors is to place it in one or more irrevocable trusts. But, as the name suggests, an irrevocable trust requires you to relinquish control over the trust assets. One potential solution to this problem is to appoint a trust protector.
Trust protector’s duties
A trust protector is often compared to a member of a corporation’s board of directors. A trustee manages the trust’s day-to-day affairs while the trust protector serves in an oversight capacity to prevent trustee mismanagement and to participate in certain major decisions.
A trust protector’s specific powers are set forth in the trust document. Among other things, powers may include adding, changing or eliminating beneficiaries’ interests; replacing a trustee; and amending the trust or redirecting distributions to comply with new laws or to reflect beneficiaries’ changing circumstances.
One advantage of using a trust protector is that you can confer powers on the protector that you wouldn’t be able to hold yourself without exposing your assets to creditors or triggering gift or estate taxes.
Bear in mind that a trust protector should be distinguished from a trust advisor, who’s available to advise the trustee but has no power to make binding decisions on trust matters.
2 primary benefits
Trust protectors offer two primary benefits:
1. They provide a check against mismanagement, fraud or abuse by the trustee. A trust protector might have the power to remove or replace the trustee, or veto certain decisions, if the trustee isn’t acting in the beneficiaries’ best interests.
2. They allow you to build some flexibility into an otherwise rigid estate planning tool. Many people are reluctant to transfer assets to an irrevocable trust for fear that changing tax laws or changing circumstances years or even decades later may affect the trust’s ability to achieve their original goals. At the same time, they may be hesitant to provide the trustee with too much discretionary authority over the trust. A trust protector can step in if circumstances change and modify the trust or take other actions to ensure that the trust continues to accomplish your estate planning objectives.
Scope of a trust protector’s powers
What powers should you grant your trust protector? The answer depends on the nature of your estate plan, your family’s situation, the capabilities of the trustee and your specific estate planning objectives. But in most cases, it’s advisable to limit the trust protector’s authority to relatively narrow circumstances. Contact us if you have questions regarding the role a trust protector should play in your estate plan.
© 2022
FMD’s estate planning team will work with you and your legal and financial advisers to design plans that align with your goals and objectives. When it comes to estate planning and wealth preservation, every one of our clients receives the quality of service and personal attention that are the hallmarks of FMD. To learn more about how we can help address your estate planning and wealth preservation needs, contact us today.
Let your financial statements guide you to optimal business decisions
Now that 2022 is up and running, business owners can expect to face a few challenges and tough choices as the year rolls along. No matter how busy things get, don’t forget about an easily accessible and highly informative resource that’s probably just a few clicks away: your financial statements.
Assuming you follow U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) or similar reporting standards, your financial statements will comprise three major components: an income statement, a balance sheet and a statement of cash flows. Each one contains different, but equally important, information about your company’s financial performance. Together, they can help you and your leadership team make optimal business decisions.
Revenue and expenses
The first component of your financial statements is the income statement. It shows revenue and expenses over a given accounting period. A commonly used term when discussing income statements is “net income.” This is the income remaining after you’ve paid all expenses, including taxes.
It’s also important to check out “gross profit.” This is the income earned after subtracting the cost of goods sold from revenue. Cost of goods sold includes the cost of direct labor and materials, as well as any manufacturing overhead costs required to make a product.
The income statement also lists sales, general and administrative (SG&A) expenses. They reflect functions, such as marketing and payroll, that support a company’s production of products or services. Often, SG&A costs are relatively fixed, no matter how well your business is doing. Calculate the ratio of SG&A costs to revenue: If the percentage increases over time, business may be slowing down.
Assets, liabilities and net worth
The second component is the balance sheet. It tallies your assets, liabilities and net worth to create a snapshot of the company’s financial health on the financial statement date. Assets are customarily listed in order of liquidity. Current assets (such as accounts receivable) are expected to be converted into cash within a year. Long-term assets (such as plant and equipment) will be used to generate revenue beyond the next 12 months.
Similarly, liabilities are listed in order of maturity. Current liabilities (such as accounts payable) come due within a year. Long-term liabilities are payment obligations that extend beyond the current year.
True to its name, the balance sheet must balance — that is, assets must equal liabilities plus net worth. So, net worth is the extent to which assets exceed liabilities. It may signal financial distress if your net worth is negative.
Other red flags include current assets that grow faster than sales and a deteriorating ratio of current assets to current liabilities. These trends could indicate that management is managing working capital less efficiently than in previous periods.
Inflows and outflows of cash
The statement of cash flows shows all the cash flowing in and out of your business during the accounting period.
Cash inflows typically come from selling products or services, borrowing and selling stock. Outflows generally result from paying expenses, investing in capital equipment and repaying debt. The statement of cash flows is organized into three sections, cash flows from activities related to:
Financing, and
Ideally, a company will generate enough cash from operations to cover its expenses. If not, it might need to borrow money or sell stock to survive.
The good and the bad
Sometimes business owners get into the habit of thinking of their financial statements as a regularly occurring formality performed to satisfy outside parties such as investors and lenders. On the contrary, your financial statements contain a wealth of data that can allow you to calculate ratios and identify trends — both good and bad — affecting the business. For help generating accurate financial statements, as well as analyzing the information therein, please contact us.
© 2022
Educate Your Children On Wealth Management
If you’ve worked a lifetime to build a large estate, you undoubtedly would like to leave a lasting legacy to your children and future generations. Educating your children about saving, investing and other money management skills can help keep your legacy alive.
Teaching techniques
There’s no one right way to teach your children about money. The best way depends on your circumstances, their personalities and your comfort level.
If your kids are old enough, consider sending them to a money management class. For younger children, you might start by simply giving them an allowance in exchange for doing household chores. This helps teach them the value of work. And, after they spend the money all in one place a few times and don’t have anything left for something they really want, they (hopefully) will learn the value of saving. Opening a savings account or a CD, or buying bonds, can help teach kids about investing and the power of compounding.
For families that are charitably inclined, a private foundation can be a vehicle for teaching children about the joys of giving and the impact wealth can make beyond one’s family. For this strategy to be effective, children should have some input into the foundation’s activities.
Timing and amounts of distributions
Many parents take an all-or-nothing approach when it comes to the timing and amounts of distributions to their children — either transferring substantial amounts of wealth all at once or making gifts that are too small to provide meaningful lessons.
Consider making distributions large enough so that your kids have something significant to lose, but not so large that their entire inheritance is at risk. For example, if your child’s trust is worth $2 million, consider having the trust distribute $200,000 when your son or daughter reaches age 21. This amount is large enough to provide a meaningful test run of your child’s financial responsibility while safeguarding the bulk of the nest egg.
Introduce incentives, but remain flexible
An incentive trust is one that rewards children for doing things that they might not otherwise do. Such a trust can be an effective estate planning tool, but there’s a fine line between encouraging positive behavior and controlling your children’s life choices. A trust that’s too restrictive may incite rebellion or invite lawsuits.
Incentives can be valuable, however, if the trust is flexible enough to allow a child to chart his or her own course. A so-called principle trust, for example, gives the trustee discretion to make distributions based on certain guiding principles or values without limiting beneficiaries to narrowly defined goals. But no matter how carefully designed, an incentive trust won’t teach your children critical money skills.
Communication is key
To maintain family harmony when leaving a large portion of your estate to your children, clearly communicate the reasons for your decisions. Contact your estate planning advisor for more information.
© 2022
FMD’s estate planning team will work with you and your legal and financial advisers to design plans that align with your goals and objectives. When it comes to estate planning and wealth preservation, every one of our clients receives the quality of service and personal attention that are the hallmarks of FMD. To learn more about how we can help address your estate planning and wealth preservation needs, contact us today.
Using B2B Media To Lengthen Your Marketing Reach
Companies that sell products or services primarily to other businesses face a tough challenge when it comes to marketing. Your customers are likely well-versed and experienced in what they do, so you must not only persuade them to buy from you, but also communicate that you’re an expert in your industry or field.
If you can demonstrate that expertise, half the marketing battle is won because your name recognition and reputation alone will likely generate positive interest in your products or services. So, how do you elevate yourself to this vaunted position? One way is to use business-to-business (B2B) media to get your name and know-how out there.
3 common approaches
B2B media, what we used to call “trade publications,” now encompasses a wide variety of content. Print publications still exist, but much of the activity has moved online to websites, blogs, social media platforms and podcasts.
You might be able to name the top B2B media outlets in your industry off the top of your head, or maybe you need to do a little digging. After getting a good sense of your options, consider one or more of the following three approaches:
1. Send out press releases. Launching a new product? Hiring a new executive? Opening a new location? When your company has big news, getting the word out to the B2B media in a press release can raise your profile with customers and prospects.
There are various best practices for sending out a press release. Include the who, what, where, when and why of the topic. Add at least two sentences from you or a company executive that can be used as comments in an article. If appropriate and available, incorporate customer testimonials.
Traditionally, press releases are submitted with a news kit that includes a fact sheet on your business, profiles of key team members, complete contact information, and, in some cases, professional photos.
2. Write bylined articles. If you know of one or more industry publications that would be a good fit for your knowledge and experience, and you’re comfortable with the written word, submit an article idea. Getting published in the right places can position you (or a suitable staff member) as a technical expert in your field.
For example, write an article explaining why the types of products or services that you provide are more important than ever to businesses in today’s difficult environment of pandemic-related changes. But be careful: Publications generally won’t accept content that comes off as free advertising. Write your article as objectively as possible with only subtle mentions of your company’s offerings.
There are other options, too. You could pen an opinion piece on how a legislative proposal is likely to affect your industry. Or you might write a tips-oriented article that lends itself to a publication or website looking for short, easy-to-read content. Insist on attribution for your company if the article is used, of course.
3. Do it yourself. A third approach is to create your own B2B media presence. For years, business owners have been urged to start their own blogs, send out their own tweets and, in general, create a social media identity that will make friends and win over customers.
This has largely become the way of the business world. In fact, there are so many social-media avenues you could travel down to get your message out, you may find the concept overwhelming. There’s also a high risk of burnout. Many people start blogs or open a social media account, post a few things and then disappear into the ether. This is not a good look for business owners trying to establish themselves as industry experts.
To be successful at blogging and social media marketing, set an editorial calendar and stick to it. Get your marketing department involved. Devise a strategy that will push out quality, consistent content regularly on the appropriate channels, whether authored by you or someone else at your company.
Not a replacement, but a booster
Using B2B media won’t completely replace the need for advertising or other marketing initiatives. However, it can boost your profile and credibility as a business owner and, thereby, create opportunities to increase sales and attract strong job candidates.
What’s more, the cost in dollars and cents is typically low — though you’ll need to set aside a certain amount of time in your schedule and you might have to expand the job duties of one or more employees. We can help you assess B2B media initiatives from a cost-benefit perspective.
© 2022
Avoiding Undue Influence Claims
A primary purpose of estate planning is to ensure that your wealth is distributed according to your wishes after you die. But if a family member challenges the plan, that purpose may be defeated. If the challenge is successful, a judge will decide who’ll inherit your property.
Will contests and similar challenges often occur when one’s estate plan operates in an unexpected way. For example, if you favor one child over the others or leave a substantial inheritance to a nonfamily member, those who expected to inherit that wealth may challenge your plan, often on grounds of undue influence. There are steps you can take, however, to reduce the risks of these challenges.
Not all influence is undue
It’s important to recognize that a certain level of influence is permissible, so long as it doesn’t rise to the level of “undue” influence. For example, there’s generally nothing wrong with a daughter who encourages her father to leave her the family vacation home. But if the father is in a vulnerable position — perhaps he’s ill or frail and the daughter is his caregiver — a court might find that he’s susceptible to undue influence and that the daughter improperly influenced him to change his will.
Protecting your plan
Here are steps you can take to reduce the chances of undue influence claims and increase the odds your wishes are carried out:
Use a revocable trust. Rather than relying on a will alone, create a revocable, or “living,” trust. These trusts don’t go through probate, so they’re more difficult and costly to challenge.
Establish competency. Claims of undue influence often go hand in hand with challenges on grounds of lack of testamentary capacity. With your attorney, establish that you were “of sound mind and body” at the time you sign your will. It can go a long way toward combating an undue influence claim.
Avoid the appearance of undue influence. If you reward someone who’s in a position to influence you, take steps to avoid the appearance of undue influence. For example, prepare your will independently — that is, under conditions that are free from interference by family members or other beneficiaries.
To deter challenges to your plan, consider including a no-contest clause, which provides that, if a beneficiary challenges your will or trust unsuccessfully, he or she will receive nothing. Keep in mind, however, that you may want to leave something to people who are likely to challenge your plan; otherwise, they have nothing to lose by contesting it.
No guarantees
If your estate plan leaves any family members less of an inheritance than they expect, there’s a risk they’ll contest it. Although there’s no guaranteed way to protect your plan, these strategies can minimize the chances that a disgruntled beneficiary will challenge your plan in court. Your attorney can address any concerns you have about your family possibly challenging your estate plan.
© 2022
FMD’s estate planning team will work with you and your legal and financial advisers to design plans that align with your goals and objectives. When it comes to estate planning and wealth preservation, every one of our clients receives the quality of service and personal attention that are the hallmarks of FMD. To learn more about how we can help address your estate planning and wealth preservation needs, contact us today.
With proper planning, a charitable remainder trust can replicate a “stretch” IRA
With proper planning, a charitable remainder trust can replicate a “stretch” IRA
The “stretch” IRA generally no longer exists. But if you have a substantial balance in a traditional IRA, a properly designed charitable remainder trust (CRT) can allow you to replicate many of its benefits.
SECURE Act’s effects on stretch IRAs
For years, a stretch IRA was an effective tool that allowed your children or other beneficiaries to stretch inherited IRA savings over their life expectancies. This was a big advantage, because it allowed funds to continue growing and compounding on a tax-deferred basis potentially for decades. However, the SECURE Act generally killed the stretch IRA, beginning on January 1, 2020, by requiring most beneficiaries of inherited IRAs (other than certain eligible individuals described below) to withdraw all of the funds within 10 years.
Requiring heirs to withdraw IRA funds more quickly means they’ll have to pay income taxes on those funds when they take distributions whether they need the money or not. This also may result in pushing them into higher tax brackets. Note that these rules don’t apply to spouses who inherit IRAs. As before, they may roll the funds into their own IRAs and defer distributions until they reach age 72.
In addition to your spouse, the SECURE Act designates several other potential beneficiaries for which a stretch IRA is still an option:
A person who isn’t more than 10 years younger than you (whether related to you or not),
A disabled or chronically ill person (as defined by the SECURE Act), or
A minor child, provided he or she is the sole beneficiary of a separate share of the IRA, either outright or in trust.
For a minor child, annual distributions may be based on the child’s life expectancy until he or she reaches the age of majority (usually 18 or 21), after which the remaining IRA funds must be distributed within the next 10 years.
The charitable solution
Leaving your IRA to a CRT may come close to duplicating the benefits of a stretch IRA. And even though the trust must preserve some of its assets for charity, the tax savings enjoyed by your heirs often make up for the loss of principal.
Here’s how it works: You provide in your estate plan that on your death your IRA will be transferred to a CRT. This is an irrevocable trust that pays out a percentage of its assets to your children or other beneficiaries for life (or for a term of up to 20 years) and then distributes its remaining assets to one or more charities. A CRT is a tax-exempt entity, so any assets you contribute to the trust — including IRAs — aren’t subject to tax unless they’re distributed to noncharitable beneficiaries.
The longer distributions can be stretched out, the closer a CRT comes to replicating a stretch IRA. It’s important to note, however, that the trust’s ability to do so depends on the age of your beneficiaries when you die. Contact us for more information.
© 2022
FMD’s estate planning team will work with you and your legal and financial advisers to design plans that align with your goals and objectives. When it comes to estate planning and wealth preservation, every one of our clients receives the quality of service and personal attention that are the hallmarks of FMD. To learn more about how we can help address your estate planning and wealth preservation needs, contact us today.
Business owners, do you need to step up your internal communications game?
They say we live in an on-demand world. Right now, many business owners are demanding one thing: more workers. Unfortunately, the labor market is somewhat less than forthcoming.
In the so-called “Great Resignation” of 2021, droves of people voluntarily left their jobs, and many aren’t rushing back to work. Neither are many of those who lost their jobs because of the pandemic. This is putting pressure on companies to do everything in their power to retain current employees and look as appealing as possible to the relatively few job seekers out there.
One element of a business that can make or break its employer brand is communications. When workers feel disconnected from ownership, it’s easy for them to listen to rumors and misinformation — and that can motivate them to walk out the door. Here are some ways you can step up your communications game in 2022.
Just ask
When business owners get caught off guard by workforce issues, the problem often is that they’re doing all the talking and little of the listening. The easiest way to find out what your employees are thinking is to just ask.
Putting a suggestion box in the break room, though it may sound old-fashioned, can pay off. Also consider using an online tool that allows employees to provide feedback anonymously.
Let employees vent their concerns and ask questions. Ownership or executive management could reply to queries with the broadest implications, while managers could handle questions specific to a given department or position. Share answers through companywide emails or make them a feature of an internal newsletter or blog.
At least once a year, hold a town hall with staff members to answer questions and discuss issues face to face. Even if the meeting must be held virtually, let employees see and hear the straight truth from you.
Manage your internal profile
Owners of large companies often engage PR consultants to help them manage not only their public images, but also the personas they convey to employees. If you own a small to midsize business, this expense may be unnecessary, but you should think about your internal profile and manage it like the critical asset that it is.
Be sure photographs and personal information used in internal communications are up to date. A profile pic of you from a decade or two ago says, “I don’t care enough to share who I am today.”
Although you should avoid getting up in employees’ business too often and disrupting operations, don’t let too much time go by between communications. Regularly tour each company department or facility, giving both managers and employees a chance to speak with you candidly. Sit in on meetings periodically; ask and answer questions. Employees will likely get a morale boost from seeing you take an active interest in their corner of the business.
In fact, for a potentially fun and insightful change of pace, set aside a day to learn about a specific company position. Shadow selected employees and let them explain what really goes into their jobs. Pose questions but stay out of the way. Clarify upfront that you’re not playing “gotcha” but trying to better understand how things get done and what improvements, if any, could be made.
Challenges ahead
Business owners face formidable challenges in the year ahead. One could say the power balance has shifted a bit from owners offering jobs to workers offering services. Being a strong, authentic and transparent communicator can give you a competitive advantage.
© 2022
Commission fraud: When salespeople get paid more than they’ve earned
Many employees — from retail workers to sales staffers involved in complex business-to-business transactions — receive part of their compensation from sales-related commissions. To attract and retain top talent, some companies even allow employees to earn unlimited commissions.
Unfortunately, some commission-compensated employees may be tempted to abuse this system by falsifying sales or rates. Fraud methods vary depending on an unethical salesperson’s employer and role. But companies need to be aware of the possibility of commission fraud and take steps to prevent it.
3 forms
Generally, commission fraud takes one of three forms:
Invention of sales. A retail employee enters a fake purchase at the point of sale (POS) to generate a commission. Or an employee involved in selling business services creates a fraudulent sales contract.
Overstatement of sales. Here, a worker alters internal sales reports or invoices or inflates sales captured via the company’s POS.
Inflation of commission rates. An employee changes a company’s commission records to reflect a higher pay rate. Employees who don’t have access to such records might collude with someone who does (such as an accounting staffer) to alter compensation rates.
More sophisticated schemes can involve collusion with customers and other outside parties.
Data-driven approach to detection
Regardless of the method used to commit commission fraud, these schemes create data and a document trail your business can use to detect abuse. For example, to uncover commission fraud in progress, you should regularly analyze commission expenses relative to your company’s sales. After accounting for timing differences, the volume of commission payments should correlate to sales revenue.
Also pay close attention to the total commission paid to each employee. Focus on outliers whose commission levels are significantly higher and analyze sales activity and the associated commission rates to ensure consistency. By creating benchmarks — based on commission sales by employee type, location and seniority — you can more easily detect fraud in subsequent periods. Randomly sampling sales associated with commissions and ensuring relevant documentation exists for each payment can be effective, too. You can contact individual customers to verify sales transactions by disguising your calls as customer satisfaction checks.
Commission schemes sometimes require cooperation with other employees and customers, which usually leaves an email trail. Consistent with your company’s policies and procedures, monitor employee email communications for evidence of wrongdoing.
Prevention processes
There are other processes your business can follow to prevent fraud from occurring in the first place. For example:
Formalize policies prohibiting it. State the consequences (for instance, termination and criminal charges) of committing commission fraud in your employee handbook. Also routinely stress your company’s commitment to detecting commission fraud and explain that management will regularly scrutinize individual payments for signs of malfeasance.
Minimize the potential for record tampering. To help prevent salespeople from accessing accounting records, rotate accounting staff assigned to recording commission payments. Segregation of all accounting duties is important to help prevent other fraud schemes from flourishing in your organization.
Set realistic sales goals. Although some employees commit fraud for personal enrichment, others cheat to meet their employer’s overly aggressive sales targets. Periodically solicit feedback from sales staff about their ability to meet objectives and pay close attention when salespeople complain or leave your company. If you encounter excessive frustration in meeting targets, make them more achievable.
Making manipulation difficult
When structured and managed correctly, a commission program can boost employee compensation and morale — and add to your company’s bottom line. But schemes to manipulate a company’s compensation structure often are all too simple for shady salespeople to commit. To make fraud much harder to perpetrate, you may need to step up data analysis and revamp your internal controls.
Many companies don’t have the internal resources to conduct this type of analysis and don’t know how to fix controls that aren’t working. That’s where a CPA or forensic accounting specialist can help. Contact us.
© 2022
Review your strategic plan … and look ahead
Business owners, year end is officially here. It may even be over by the time you read this. (If so, Happy New Year!) In any case, the end of one year and the beginning of another is always an optimal time to look back on the preceding 12 calendar months and ask a deceptively simple question: How’d we do?
Large companies tend to have thoroughly documented strategic plans in place, some stretching years into the future, that include various metrics for measuring whether they’ve achieved the growth intended. For them, reviewing a calendar year’s success in terms of strategic planning is relatively easy. They mostly just crunch the numbers.
For small to midsize businesses, the strategic planning process may be a little more informal and less precise. Yet even if your strategic plan isn’t a detailed document replete with spreadsheets and pie charts, you can still review actual performance against it and use this assessment to look ahead to 2022.
Areas that inform
Generally, there are three areas of most businesses that inform the success of a strategic plan. They are:
HR. Your people are your most valuable asset. So, how does your employee turnover rate for 2021 compare with previous years? High employee turnover could be a sign of underlying problems, such as poor training, lax management or low employee morale.
Much has been written this year about “the Great Resignation,” the trend of employees leaving their jobs for various reasons. How has it affected your company? Has it stymied your efforts to meet strategic goals? You may need to make hiring and retention efforts a focal point of your 2022 strategic plan.
Sales and marketing. Did you meet your monthly goals for new sales, in terms of both revenue and number of new customers? Did you generate an adequate return on investment (ROI) for your marketing dollars?
If you can’t clearly answer the latter question, enhance your tracking of existing marketing efforts so you can better gauge ROI going forward. And set reasonable but growth-oriented sales goals for 2022 that will make or keep your business a competitive force to be reckoned with.
Production. If you manufacture products, what was your unit reject rate over the past year? Or, if yours is a service business, how satisfied were your customers with the level of service provided?
Again, if you’re not sure, you may need to establish or enhance your methods of tracking product quality or measuring customer satisfaction to meet this year’s strategic goals. Many companies now use customer satisfaction scores or a customer satisfaction index to establish objectives and benchmark their success.
Flexibility and the right adjustments
By now, you should probably have at least the framework of a 2022 strategic plan in place. However, if you’re not that far along, don’t worry. Strategic plans are best when they’re flexible and open to adjustment as economic conditions and buying trends change.
This is particularly true when the year ahead looks as uncertain as this one, given the continuing impact of the pandemic. We can help you review your 2021 financials and use the right metrics to develop a cohesive, realistic strategic plan for the next 12 months.
© 2021
Making funeral arrangements in advance can ease family turmoil after your death
It’s difficult for many people to think about their mortality, so it’s not surprising to learn that many put off planning their own funerals. Unfortunately, this lack of planning may result in emotional turmoil for surviving family members when someone dies unexpectedly.
Also, a death in the family may cause unintended financial consequences. Why not take matters out of your heirs’ hands? By planning ahead, as much as it may be disconcerting, you can remove this future burden from your loved ones.
Communicate your wishes
First, make your funeral wishes known to other family members. This typically includes instructions about where you are to be buried or cremated, if you prefer a formal or religious ceremony, and even the clothing you’ll be buried in.
It may also cover a memorial service in lieu of, or supplementing, a funeral. If you don’t have a next of kin or would prefer someone else to be in charge of funeral arrangements, you can appoint another representative.
Be aware that the methods for expressing these wishes vary from state to state. With the help of your attorney, you can include a provision in your will, language in a health care proxy or power of attorney, or a separate form specifically designed for communicating your funeral arrangements.
Whichever method you use, it should, at a minimum, state 1) whether you prefer burial or cremation, 2) where you wish to be buried or have your ashes interred or scattered (and any other special instructions), and 3) the person you’d like to be responsible for making these arrangements. Some people also request a specific funeral home.
Consider the ins and outs of a prepaid funeral
There’s a division of opinion in the financial community as to whether you should prepay funeral expenses. If you prepay and opt for a “guaranteed plan,” you lock in the prices for the arrangements, no matter how high fees may escalate before death. With a “nonguaranteed plan,” prices aren’t locked in, but the prepayment accumulates interest that may be put toward any rising costs.
When weighing whether to use a prepaid plan, the Federal Trade Commission recommends that you ask the following questions:
What happens to the money you’ve prepaid?
What happens to the interest income on prepayments placed in a trust account?
Are you protected if the funeral provider goes out of business?
Before signing off on a prepaid plan, learn whether there’s a cancellation clause to the plan in the event you change your mind.
Open a POD bank account
One alternative that avoids the pitfalls of prepaid plans is to let your family know your desired arrangements and set aside funds in a payable-on-death (POD) bank account. Simply name the person who will handle your funeral arrangements as beneficiary. When you die, he or she will gain immediate access to the funds without the need for probate. Contact us if you have questions about how to address your funeral in your estate plan. We’d be pleased to assist you.
© 2021
FMD’s estate planning team will work with you and your legal and financial advisers to design plans that align with your goals and objectives. When it comes to estate planning and wealth preservation, every one of our clients receives the quality of service and personal attention that are the hallmarks of FMD. To learn more about how we can help address your estate planning and wealth preservation needs, contact us today.
Have you named contingent beneficiaries?
Although your will or revocable trust governs the distribution of many or most of your assets, certain assets — such as retirement plans, insurance policies, and bank or brokerage accounts — require you to name a beneficiary (or beneficiaries). This can be an advantage, because when you die, the funds can pass directly to your beneficiaries without going through probate. But to avoid unpleasant surprises, it’s critical not only to choose your beneficiaries carefully, but to also name contingent beneficiaries in case a primary beneficiary dies before you.
Outcome depends on asset type
Suppose a beneficiary predeceases you but you don’t get around to updating the beneficiary form before you die. If you haven’t named a contingent beneficiary, then the disposition of the funds depends on the type of asset.
For retirement plans, the plan document might call for the funds to go to your spouse or, if you’re not married, to your estate. Leaving retirement plan assets to your estate can have undesirable consequences. For one thing, they’ll pass according to the terms of your will, which may be contrary to your wishes. Plus, they’ll have to be distributed and taxed under a five-year rule, depriving your beneficiaries of opportunities to defer those taxes for 10 years or more.
For other types of assets, the funds will likely end up in your estate, which can lead to unfortunate results. Suppose, for example, that your will leaves your entire estate, valued at $1 million, to your son. You also have a $1 million life insurance policy naming your daughter as beneficiary. If your daughter predeceases you and you haven’t updated the beneficiary designation or named a contingent beneficiary (your grandchild, for example), then your son will receive everything, effectively disinheriting your daughter’s family.
Have a backup plan
To ensure that your wishes are fulfilled, name at least one contingent beneficiary for each primary beneficiary. Your contingent beneficiaries can be virtually anyone you choose, including distant family members, friends or even charitable organizations. Contact us if you have questions regarding beneficiary designations. We’d be pleased to help.
© 2021
FMD’s estate planning team will work with you and your legal and financial advisers to design plans that align with your goals and objectives. When it comes to estate planning and wealth preservation, every one of our clients receives the quality of service and personal attention that are the hallmarks of FMD. To learn more about how we can help address your estate planning and wealth preservation needs, contact us today.