Is your revocable trust fully funded?

A revocable trust — sometimes known as a “living trust” — can provide significant benefits. They include the ability to avoid probate of the assets the trust holds and facilitating management of your assets in the event you become incapacitated. To obtain these benefits, however, you must fund the trust — that is, transfer title of assets to the trust or designate the trust as the beneficiary of retirement accounts or insurance policies.

Inventory your assets

To the extent that a revocable trust isn’t funded — for example, if you acquire new assets but fail to transfer title to the trust or name it as the beneficiary — those assets may be subject to probate and will be beyond the trust’s control in the event you become incapacitated.

To avoid this result, periodically take inventory of your assets. This can better ensure that your trust is fully funded.

Max out FDIC insurance coverage

Another important reason to fund your trust is the ability to maximize FDIC insurance coverage. Generally, individuals enjoy FDIC insurance protection on bank deposits up to $250,000.

But with a properly structured revocable trust account, it’s possible to increase that protection to as much as $250,000 per beneficiary. So, for example, if your revocable trust names five beneficiaries, a bank account in the trust’s name is eligible for FDIC insurance coverage up to $250,000 per beneficiary, or $1.25 million ($2.5 million for jointly owned accounts).

Note that FDIC insurance is provided on a per-institution basis, so coverage can be multiplied by opening similarly structured accounts at several different banks. FDIC rules regarding revocable trust accounts are complex, especially when a trust has more than five beneficiaries, so talk to us to maximize insurance coverage of your bank deposits.

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Sailing a steady ship in today’s interesting economy

Business owners: If you’re having trouble reading the U.S. economy, you’re not alone. On the one hand, the January 2023 jobs report revealed that the unemployment rate had fallen to 3.4%, its lowest level in 54 years. And inflation, while still a concern, has moderated in most sectors — staving off fears of a recession in the immediate future.

And yet concern remains about whether the economy will grow or suddenly stall. And the Fed is expected to continue raising interest rates, meaning the battle against inflation is far from won. What can you do, strategically, to neither under- nor overreact to this “interesting” situation? Sail a steady ship.

Save a little, spend a little 

In a faltering economy, business owners tend to want to curb spending. Conversely, during boom times, companies are more apt to spend money to seize opportunities. Right now, the best approach may be a little of both.

Enlist employees to help cut expenses that don’t foster your business’s long-term success. Communicate regularly with staff about the need to curb spending and celebrate those who come up with effective cost-control measures.

That said, now isn’t the time to stop investing in new assets, people or technologies if they’re essential to your operations or could sharpen your company’s competitive edge.

Prioritize expenditures

A good exercise to undertake at least annually, if not quarterly, is to make a list of all expenses over the course of a year and separate them into three categories: “must have,” “nice to have” and “don’t need.” Ask your leadership team for input on which expenses should fall under each category.

Another idea for small to midsize businesses: Have a “check-signing social” in which you gather department managers to discuss major cash outlays while you sign checks or otherwise remit payments. An event like this lets managers know that you’re aware of their spending while giving them a chance to explain their rationale for the spending.

Know your suppliers 

In tough economic times, businesses must keep a close eye on the stability of suppliers. If a major vendor goes under, you could be left in the lurch.

You might not have to worry quite as much about insolvencies in today’s environment, but don’t let your guard down. Nurturing good relationships with suppliers is particularly vital with supply chain issues continuing to trouble many industries. Maintain strong communication. Every so often, you may want to conduct a supplier audit to collect key data points regarding each one’s performance.

Watch out for fraud

No matter what the state of the economy, dishonest employees and outside criminals may seize the opportunity to commit fraud. Cash and asset misappropriation, as well as outright theft, are among the most prevalent types of “traditional” fraud. Cybercrimes are also increasingly common today. Hackers can steal from you or shut down your operations from hundreds or thousands of miles away.

Reduce typical fraud risks by implementing a solid system of internal accounting controls, such as segregating duties and requiring a second signature on checks over a certain amount. Also, if you’re hiring, conduct thorough background checks within legal parameters. Finally, invest time and money in cybersecurity measures to protect your systems and data.

Good news, bad news

The good news is the U.S. economy has generally rebounded well from the many changes and challenges of the pandemic. The bad news is, no one is completely sure where we’re headed. Our firm can help you gather and analyze the right financial data to make strong strategic decisions.

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Joint ownership isn’t right for all estate plans

Generally speaking, owning property jointly benefits an estate plan. Indeed, joint ownership offers several advantages for surviving family members. However, there are exceptions and it’s not the solution for all estate planning problems.

2 types of joint ownership for spouses

As the name implies, joint ownership requires interests in property by more than one party. The type of joint ownership depends on the wording of the title to the property.

From a legal standpoint, there may be two main options for married couples:

  1. Joint tenants with rights of survivorship (JTWROS). This is the most common form and often is used for a personal residence or other real estate. With JTWROS, one spouse’s share of the property can be sold without the other spouse’s consent. The property is subject to the reach of creditors of all owners.

  2. Tenancy by the entirety (TBE). In this case, one spouse’s share of the property in some states can’t be sold without the other spouse joining in.  But TBE offers more protection from creditors in noncommunity property states if only one spouse is liable for the debt. Currently, a TBE is available in slightly more than half the states.

Property may also be owned as a “tenancy in common.” With this form of ownership, each party has a separate transferable right to the property. Generally, this would apply to co-owners who aren’t married to each other, though in certain situations married couples may opt to be tenants in common.

Joint ownership plusses and minuses

The main estate planning attraction of joint ownership is that the property avoids probate. Probate is the process, based on prevailing state law, whereby a deceased person’s assets are legally transferred to the beneficiaries. Depending on the state, it may be time-consuming or costly — or both — as well as being intrusive. Jointly owned property, however, simply passes to the surviving owner.

Joint ownership is a convenient and inexpensive way to establish ownership rights. But the long-standing legal concept has its drawbacks, too. Some disadvantages of joint ownership relate to potential liability for federal gift and estate tax. Comparable rules may also apply on the state level.

For starters, if parties other than a married couple create joint ownership, it generally triggers a taxable gift, unless each one contributed property to obtain a share of the title. However, for a property interest in securities or a financial account, there’s no taxable gift until the other person actually makes a withdrawal.

Lessons to be learned

Joint ownership can be a valuable estate planning tool, especially because it avoids probate. However, this technique shouldn’t be considered a replacement for a will. We can help you coordinate joint ownership with other aspects of your estate plan.

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3 ways your business can uncover cost cuts

Every business wants to find them, but they sure don’t make it easy. We’re talking about cost cuts: clear and substantial ways to lower expenses, thereby strengthening cash flow and giving you a better shot at strong profitability.

Obvious places to slash costs — such as wages, benefits, and overhead — often aren’t a viable option because the very stability of your operation may depend on them. But there might be other ways to lower expenses if you dig deeply enough. Here are three ways to perhaps uncover some cost-cutting opportunities.

1. Study your suppliers

Many companies find that just a few of their suppliers account for most of their spending. By identifying these vendors and consolidating spending with them, you may be able to put yourself in a stronger position to negotiate volume discounts. Consolidating your supplier base also tends to streamline the administrative work associated with purchasing.

On a related note, how well do you know your suppliers? One way to ensure you’re working off an abundance of relevant information is to conduct a supplier audit. This is a formal process for collecting key data points regarding a supplier’s performance to manage quality control and ensure you’re getting an acceptable return on investment.

2. Go green

Given the already noticeable effects of climate change, operating an environmentally friendly company has become imperative. But going green can, under the right circumstances, save you money as well.

Refurbished computers or office furniture often can be found at substantial savings compared with their brand-new counterparts. If you no longer need equipment, computing devices, or office furniture, you may be able to sell them to a liquidator or dealer. You’ll not only bring in some money on the sales but also free yourself of the need to store and maintain the items.

In addition, look at your facilities. If you own the property on which you operate, research energy-efficient upgrades to the HVAC and lighting systems. Naturally, making such upgrades will cost you money initially, but you may be able to lower energy costs over the long term. What’s more, you might qualify for tax credits for installing certain items.

3. Explore outsourcing, tech upgrades

Many business owners try to cut costs by doing everything in-house — from accounting to payroll to HR. But if the staffing and expertise just aren’t there, these companies often suffer losses because of mistakes and mismanagement. Although you’ll obviously incur costs when outsourcing, the time and labor it saves you could end up being a net gain.

Carefully chosen and implemented technology upgrades can serve a similar purpose. Many products on the market today are so robust and fully featured, upgrading to them is almost comparable to outsourcing.

Again, you’ll need to spend money in the near term but, eventually, you could lower the cost of doing business. For example, the right customer relationship management system can help you generate sales leads and focus on your most profitable existing customers.

Snip, snip, snip

Lowering expenses is often difficult, but looking for ways to do it is an important activity to undertake regularly. This is particularly true now that inflation is a major factor in the economic landscape. Please contact us for help identifying and lowering your company’s most “cuttable” costs.

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Is now the time for your small business to launch a retirement plan?

Many small businesses start out as “lean enterprises,” with costs kept to a minimum to lower risks and maximize cash flow. But there comes a point in the evolution of many companies — particularly in a tight job market — when investing money in employee benefits becomes advisable, if not downright mandatory.

Is now the time for your small business to do so? More specifically, as you compete for top talent and look to retain valued employees, would launching a retirement plan help your case? Quite possibly, and the good news is the federal government is offering some intriguing incentives for eligible smaller companies ready to make the leap.

Late last year, the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2023 was signed into law. Within this massive spending package lies the Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement 2.0 Act (SECURE 2.0). Its provisions bring three key improvements to the small employer pension plan start-up cost tax credit, beginning this year:

1. Full coverage for the smallest of small businesses. SECURE 2.0 makes the credit equal to the full amount of creditable plan start-up costs for employers with 50 or fewer employees, up to an annual cap. Previously only 50% of costs were allowed — this limit still applies to employers with 51 to 100 employees.

2. Glitch fixed for multiemployer plans. SECURE 2.0 retroactively fixes a technical glitch that prevented employers who joined multiemployer plans in existence for more than three years from claiming the small employer pension plan start-up cost credit. If your business joined a pre-existing multiemployer plan before this period, contact us about filing amended returns to claim the credit.

3. Enhancement of employer contributions. Perhaps the biggest change wrought by SECURE 2.0 is that certain employer contributions for a plan’s first five years now may qualify for the credit. The credit is increased by a percentage of employer contributions, up to a per-employee cap of $1,000, as follows:

  • 100% in the plan’s first and second tax years,

  • 75% in the third year,

  • 50% in the fourth year, and

  • 25% in the fifth year.

For employers with between 51 and 100 employees, the contribution portion of the credit is reduced by 2% times the number of employees above 50.

In addition, no employer contribution credit is allowed for contributions for employees who make more than $100,000 (adjusted for inflation after 2023). The credit for employer contributions is also unavailable for elective deferrals or contributions to defined benefit pension plans.

To be clear, though the name of the tax break is the small employer pension plan start-up cost credit, it also applies to qualified plans such as 401(k)s and SIMPLE IRAs, as well as to Simplified Employee Pensions. Our firm can help you determine whether now is indeed the right time for your small business to launch a retirement plan and, if so, which one.

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Deciding whether to make lifetime gifts or bequests at death can be a deceptively complex question

One of your primary estate planning goals may be to pass as much of your wealth to your family as possible. That means sheltering your estate from gift and estate taxes. One way to do so is to make gifts during your lifetime.

Current tax law may make that an enticing proposition, given the inflation-adjusted $12.92 million gift and estate tax exemption. However, making lifetime gifts isn’t right for everyone. Depending on your circumstances, there may be tax advantages to keeping assets in your estate and making bequests at death.

Tax consequences of gifts vs. bequests

The primary advantage of making lifetime gifts is that by removing assets from your estate, you shield future appreciation from estate tax. But there’s a tradeoff: The recipient receives a “carryover” tax basis — that is, he or she assumes your basis in the asset. If a gifted asset has a low basis relative to its fair market value (FMV), then a sale will trigger capital gains taxes on the difference.

An asset transferred at death, however, currently receives a “stepped-up basis” equal to its date-of-death FMV. That means the recipient can sell it with little or no capital gains tax liability. So, the question becomes, which strategy has the lower tax cost: transferring an asset by gift (now) or by bequest (later)? The answer depends on several factors, including the asset’s basis-to-FMV ratio, the likelihood that its value will continue appreciating, your current or potential future exposure to gift and estate taxes, and the recipient’s time horizon — that is, how long you expect the recipient to hold the asset after receiving it.

Estate tax law changes ahead

Determining the right time to transfer wealth can be difficult because so much depends on what happens to the gift and estate tax regime in the future. (Indeed, without further legislation from Congress, the base gift and estate tax exemption amount will return to an inflation-adjusted $5 million in 2026.) The good news is that it may be possible to reduce the impact of this uncertainty with carefully designed trusts.

Let’s say you believe the gift and estate tax exemption will be reduced dramatically in the near future. To take advantage of the current exemption, you transfer appreciated assets to an irrevocable trust, avoiding gift tax and shielding future appreciation from estate tax. Your beneficiaries receive a carryover basis in the assets, and they’ll be subject to capital gains taxes when they sell them.

Now suppose that, when you die, the exemption amount hasn’t dropped, but instead has stayed the same or increased. To hedge against this possibility, the trust gives the trustee certain powers that, if exercised, cause the assets to be included in your estate. Your beneficiaries will then enjoy a stepped-up basis and the higher exemption shields all or most of the assets’ appreciation from estate taxes.

Work with us to monitor legislative developments and adjust your estate plan accordingly. We can suggest strategies for building flexibility into your plan to soften the blow of future tax changes.

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A single parent’s estate plan should address specific circumstances

According to the Pew Research Center, nearly a quarter (23%) of U.S. children under the age of 18 live with one parent. This is more than three times the share (7%) of children from around the world who do so. If your household falls into this category, ensure your estate plan properly accounts for your children.

Choosing a guardian

In many respects, estate planning for single parents is similar to estate planning for families with two parents. Single parents want to provide for their children’s care and financial needs after they’re gone. But when only one parent is involved, certain aspects of an estate plan demand special attention.

One example is selecting an appropriate guardian. If the other parent is unavailable to take custody of your children if you become incapacitated or die suddenly, does your estate plan designate a suitable, willing guardian to care for them? Will the guardian need financial assistance to raise your kids and provide for their education? Depending on the situation, you might want to preserve your wealth in a trust until your children are grown.

Trust planning is one of the most effective ways to provide for your children. Trust assets are managed by one or more qualified, trusted individual or corporate trustees, and you specify when and under what circumstances the funds should be distributed to your kids. A trust is particularly important if you have minor children. Without one, your assets may come under the control of your former spouse or a court-appointed administrator.

Addressing incapacitation

As a single parent, it’s particularly important for your estate plan to include a living will, advance directive or health care power of attorney. These documents allow you to specify your health care preferences in the event you become incapacitated and to designate someone to make medical decisions on your behalf.

You should also have a revocable living trust or durable power of attorney that provides for the management of your finances in the event you’re unable to do so.

If you’ve recently become a single parent, contact us because it’s critical to review and, if necessary, revise your estate plan. We’d be pleased to help.

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Getting into data analytics without breaking the bank

Most business owners would probably agree that, in today’s world, data rules. But finding, organizing and deriving meaning from the terabytes upon terabytes of information out there isn’t easy.

How can your company harness the power of data without throwing dollars into the technological void? By investing in a formal initiative to incorporate data analytics into your decision making and strategic planning. However, as is so often the case, this is much easier said than done.

What is it? 

Data analytics is the science of collecting and analyzing sets of data to develop useful insights, make connections between data points, and identify trends or patterns.

The process incorporates research, computer programming and statistical analysis to produce various types of data analytics — such as predictive, prescriptive, diagnostic and descriptive. The information used can come from both internal and external sources. Internal sources typically include a company’s financial statements, sales records and customer database. External data may be obtained from government websites, industry associations, publicly distributed surveys and social media.

What are the advantages?

There are several potential advantages of data analytics for businesses. When done right, it will shed light on what could help or hinder you in fulfilling strategic objectives and improving performance in a cost-efficient way. More specifically, data analytics can enable you to:

  • Evaluate the feasibility of an expensive ad campaign or product development idea,

  • Narrow down who your most potentially valuable customers are and how to reach them,

  • Decide whether to obtain outside financing and, if so, how much, and

  • Streamline operations and/or cut costs with a clear idea of what the positive outcomes will be.

Perhaps best of all, data analytics facilitates fact-based discussions and planning. This can head off emotionally based arguments and diminish the impact of “office politics” on whether the company should make a major move.

Will I need special software?

Generally, a business will need to invest in data analytics software to reap the advantages. If you decide to do so, it’s important not to put the cart before the horse. That is, you don’t want to run out and buy an expensive product and then figure out how to use it. Your company’s informational needs should dictate what you buy.

Today’s software can produce thousands of metrics, so you’re best off first determining which ones you want to track — now and down the road. You also need to ensure that the solution you buy comes with strong cybersecurity protections and complies with any applicable privacy and security regulations.

Additionally, you should determine how well a prospective data analytics solution would integrate with your other applications and data. If the software can’t access vital information, or employees have to input data manually, it will likely be a poor investment.

Is it right for you?

Properly used, and supported by the right software, data analytics can give your business a competitive edge. But it can be a costly endeavor that may call for an outside consultant to get you up and running. Contact us for help identifying which metrics you should target as well as forecasting the requisite costs — both upfront and ongoing — likely to be involved.

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Run the numbers before donating appreciated assets to charity

Are you charitably inclined? If so, you probably know that donations of long-term appreciated assets, such as stocks, have an advantage over cash donations. But in some cases, selling appreciated assets and donating the proceeds may be a better strategy.

That’s because adjusted gross income (AGI) limitations on charitable deductions are higher for cash donations. Plus, if the assets don’t qualify for long-term capital gain treatment, the deduction rules are different.

Tax treatments by type of gift

All things being equal, donating long-term appreciated assets directly to charity is preferable. Not only do you enjoy a charitable deduction equal to the assets’ fair market value on the date of the gift (assuming you itemize deductions on your return), you also avoid capital gains tax on their appreciation in value. If you were to sell the assets and donate the proceeds to charity, the resulting capital gains tax could reduce the tax benefits of your gift.

But all things aren’t equal. Donations of appreciated assets to public charities are generally limited to 30% of AGI, while cash donations are deductible up to 60% of AGI. In either case, excess deductions may be carried forward for up to five years.

Work the math

If you’re contemplating a donation of appreciated assets that’s greater than 30% of your AGI, crunch the numbers first. Then determine whether selling the assets, paying the capital gains tax and donating cash up to 60% of AGI will produce greater tax benefits in the year of the gift and over the following five tax years. The answer will depend on several factors, including the size of your gift, your AGI in the year of the gift, your projected AGI in the following five years and your ability to itemize deductions in each of those years.

Before making charitable donations, discuss your options with us. We can help you make charitable gifts at the lowest tax cost.

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Look forward to next year by revisiting your business plan

Businesses of all stripes are about to embark upon a new calendar year. Whether you’ve done a lot of strategic planning or just a little, a good way to double-check your objectives and expectations is to revisit your business plan.

Remember your business plan? If you created one recently, or keep yours updated, it might be fresh in your mind. But many business owners file theirs away and bust them out only when asked to by lenders or other interested parties.

Reviewing and revising your business plan can enable you and your leadership team to ensure everyone is on the same page strategically as you move forward into the new year.

6 traditional sections 

Comprehensive business plans traditionally comprise six sections:

  1. Executive summary,

  2. Business description,

  3. Industry and marketing analysis,

  4. Management team description,

  5. Implementation plan, and

  6. Financials.

Business plans are a must for start-ups. And, as mentioned, they’re sometimes part of the commercial lending process. Yet business plans are often overlooked when leadership teams engage in strategic planning.

The best ones can be quite simple. In fact, long-winded business plans can wind up confusing everyone involved or simply go ignored. For a small business, the executive summary shouldn’t exceed one page, and the maximum number of pages of the entire plan should generally be fewer than 40.

Spotlight on financials

The executive summary is usually the first thing anyone looks at when reading a business plan, but it’s the last section you should write. Start with your company’s historic financial results, assuming it’s not a start-up. Then, identify key benchmarks that you want to achieve in the coming year — as well perhaps longer periods, such as three, five or even 10 years out.

Next, generate financial projections that support your strategic goals. For example, suppose your company has $10 million in sales in 2022 and expects to double that figure over a three-year period. How will you get from Point A ($10 million in 2023) to Point B ($20 million in 2025)?

Let’s say you and your leadership team decide to double sales by hiring four new salespeople and acquiring the assets of a bankrupt competitor. These strategic objectives will drive the projected income statement, balance sheet and cash flow statement included in your business plan.

Be particularly sure you’ve discussed how you’ll fund any cash shortfalls that take place as the company grows. Cash flow projections are critical for fruitful strategic planning, as well as for applying for a loan.

Blueprint for the future

One could say that integrating your strategic planning objectives into your business plan is a way to make your strategic plan “official.” By putting it in writing, and including the necessary financial documentation, you’ll have a blueprint of how to build the future of the business. Contact us for help.

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Addressing IP in an estate plan can be tricky

Over your lifetime, you may have accumulated a wide variety of tangible assets, including automobiles, works of art and property, that you’ve accounted for in your estate plan. But intangible assets can easily be overlooked.

Consider intellectual property (IP), such as patents and copyrights. These assets can have great value, so, if you have them, it’s important to properly address them in your estate plan.

Common forms of IP

IP generally falls into one of these categories: patents, copyrights, trademarks or trade secrets. Here we’ll focus on patents and copyrights, which are protected by federal law to promote scientific and creative endeavors by providing inventors and artists with exclusive rights to exploit the economic benefits of their work for a predetermined time.

Patents protect inventions, and the two most common are utility and design patents. A utility patent may be granted to someone who “invents or discovers any new and useful process, machine, manufacture, or composition of matter, or any new and useful improvement thereof.” A design patent is available for a “new, original and ornamental design for an article of manufacture.” To obtain patent protection, inventions must be novel, “nonobvious” and useful.

Utility patents protect an invention for 20 years from the patent application filing date. Design patents filed on or after May 13, 2015, last 15 years from the patent issue date. There’s a difference between the filing date and issue date. For utility patents, it takes at least a year and a half from date of filing to date of issue.

Copyrights protect the original expression of ideas that are fixed in a “tangible medium of expression.” These tangible mediums of expression typically take the form of written works, music, paintings and photographs.

Unlike patents, which must be approved by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, copyright protection kicks in as soon as a work is fixed in a tangible medium. For works created in 1978 and later, an author-owned copyright generally lasts for the author’s lifetime plus 70 years.

Estate planning for IP

For estate planning purposes, a key question is: What’s it worth? Valuing IP is a complex process. It’s best to obtain an appraisal from a professional with experience valuing IP. After you know the IP’s value, decide whether to transfer it to family members or charity through lifetime gifts or bequests after your death.

It’s important to plan the transaction carefully to ensure that your objectives are achieved. There’s a common misconception that, when you transfer ownership of the tangible medium on which IP is recorded, you also transfer the IP rights. But IP rights are separate from the work itself and are retained by the creator — even if the work is sold or given away.

Contact us to learn more on addressing IP in your estate plan.

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Should you consider a psychiatric advance directive?

Many people include health care powers of attorney or advance directives in their estate plans so they have some influence over critical medical decisions in the event they’re incapacitated and unable to make decisions themselves. A psychiatric advance directive (PAD) is less well known, but worth considering, especially if your family has a history of mental illness.

Health care directives

To cover all the health care bases, have two documents: an advance health care directive (sometimes referred to as a “living will”) and a health care power of attorney (HCPA). Some states allow you to combine the two in a single document.

An advance directive expresses your preferences for the use of life-sustaining medical procedures and specifies the situations in which these procedures should be used or withheld.

A document prepared in advance can’t account for every scenario or contingency. However, it’s wise to pair an advance directive with an HCPA. This allows you to authorize your spouse or other trusted representative to make medical decisions or consent to medical treatment on your behalf if you’re unable to do so.

Why a PAD?

Many states allow generic HCPAs and advance directives to address mental as well as physical health issues. But some states limit or prohibit mental health treatment decisions by general health care representatives. Around half of the states have PAD statutes, which authorize special advance directives to outline one’s wishes with respect to mental health care and appoint a representative to make decisions regarding that care.

PADs may address a variety of mental health care issues, including:

  • Preferred hospitals or other providers,

  • Treatment therapies and medications that may be administered,

  • Treatment therapies and medications that may not be administered, such as electroconvulsive therapy or experimental drugs,

  • A statement of general values, principles or preferences to follow in making mental health care decisions, and

  • Appointment of a representative authorized to make decisions and carry out your wishes with respect to mental health care in the event you’re incapacitated.

Although requirements vary from state to state, to be effective, a PAD must be signed by you and your chosen representative, and in some states by two witnesses. Be sure to discuss the terms of the PAD with your family, close friends, physician and any mental health care providers. And to be sure that the PAD is available when needed, give copies to all of the above persons, keep the original in a safe place and let your family know where to find it.

If you’re concerned about the possibility of mental illness and wish to have some say over your treatment in the event you’re incapacitated, contact us to learn more about a PAD.

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Inbound vs. outbound: Balancing your company’s sales strategies

It might sound like the lingo of air traffic controllers — inbound vs. outbound. But businesses of all types must grapple with these concepts and their associated challenges when developing sales strategies.

Inbound sales originate when someone contacts your company to inquire about buying a product or service, whereas outbound sales arise from members of your sales team reaching out to customers and prospects.

Like many businesses, yours may not have the luxury of choosing one approach over the other. You probably have to find the right balance.

Inbound sales: Marketing your brand

Inbound sales are all about marketing your brand. Customers and prospects need to know who you are and what you offer, otherwise they won’t be in touch.

Thus, you’ll need to invest in a strong brand-based, content-driven marketing strategy that establishes and maintains your reputation as a “destination business” in your industry. Interested parties who encounter your marketing materials should wind up thinking, “I want to go there.”

If you can accomplish that, you’ll need a well-trained, patient inside sales team who are experts on your products or services. The word “patient” is key. One of the downsides to inbound sales is that they can take longer to close than outbound sales. They’re also less targeted. You have to deal with whoever contacts you. Some prospects might show up with unrealistic expectations or turn out to be difficult customers.

On the plus side, inbound sales are typically less labor-intensive and expensive because the buyer is coming to you and your customer base is generally more concentrated. What’s more, inside sales teams may incur less turnover because of lower rejection rates and a greater emphasis on technical know-how over a traditional “make your numbers or else” mindset.

Outbound sales: Lots of work, big potential

Outbound sales are largely based on intensive market research. You need to know the demographics and other key data points of those most likely to buy from you — and then you’ve got to go out and get ’em.

The downside to outbound sales is they tend to entail much more work (cold calls, follow-up, virtual and/or in-person meetings) and typically incur a higher rejection rate. In addition, this approach is often more expensive. You’ll need to cast a much wider net in terms of marketing and advertising. Outside salespeople tend to work longer hours, and they may incur substantial travel expenses and have a higher turnover rate. You might need more of them to cover your sales territories, too.

All that said, under the right circumstances and when properly executed, outbound sales can generate more revenue than inbound sales. You can target a large number of precisely the types of customers who will most likely buy from you, and sales are often quicker and easier to close.

Assess your position

Has your company been running on autopilot when it comes to balancing inbound vs. outbound sales? Now’s a good time to address the issue as we head into the new year.

If, for example, you’re waiting around for inbound sales that aren’t showing up, maybe it’s time to pivot to an outbound sales strategy. On the other hand, if you’ve emerged as a major player in your market, perhaps you can cut back on the outreach, beef up your brand and rely more on inbound sales. Contact us for help evaluating your sales numbers, as well as identifying the costs and forecasting the potential revenue of both approaches.

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In your own words: A letter of instruction complements a will

A smart estate plan should leave no doubt as to your intentions. Writing a letter of instruction can go a long way toward clearly communicating all of your thoughts and wishes. Even though the letter, unlike a valid will, isn’t legally binding, it can be valuable to your surviving family members.

The devil is in the details

Although the content can vary from person to person, one of the main purposes of a letter of instruction is to provide details on final wishes that haven’t been conveyed in the will. Think of the letter as a way to fill in some of the “gaps” or resolve matters that may be left open to interpretation.

For example, your letter can detail vital financial information that was omitted or glossed over in your will. Typically, this can include an inventory of real estate holdings, investment accounts, bank accounts, retirement plan accounts and IRAs, life insurance policies, and other financial assets.

Along with the account numbers, list the locations of the documents, such as a safe deposit box or file cabinet. And don’t forget to provide the contact information for your estate planning team. Typically, this will include your attorney, CPA, investment advisor and life insurance agent. These professionals can assist your family during the aftermath.

Many people also use a letter to lay out their wishes for personal possessions. Keep in mind that without spelling out your intentions, bitter disputes may erupt over items that have more sentimental value than monetary worth, including furniture, photographs, jewelry and artwork.

Content is up to you

There are no hard-and-fast rules for writing a letter of instruction. The basic elements are outlined above, but the choices are ultimately up to you. Remember that the letter isn’t legally binding, so there is no obligation to include any particular item. Conversely, you can say pretty much whatever else you want to say.

Rewrite if necessary

Completing your letter of instruction shouldn’t be the end of the story. You may have to revisit it for rewrites or edits you didn’t accommodate before. For example, you may have neglected to specify certain accomplishments you want to be mentioned in an obituary.

In addition, it’s likely that some of your personal information will change over time, such as bank account numbers and passwords. Update the letter when warranted. Think of it as an ongoing process.

Finally, make sure that the letter is secured in a safe place. Any printed version should accompany your will or be located somewhere else that’s accessible to trusted family members. At the same time, you must be able to update the letter whenever you need to.

Clarity counts

If you haven’t done so already, draft a letter of instruction and, most important, make sure that your family knows where to locate it. We can help fill in the blanks if you need help.

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Timing is everything when it comes to accounting software upgrades

“Well, it still works, and everyone knows how to use it, but….”

Do these words sound familiar? Many businesses stick with their accounting software far too long for these very reasons. What’s important to find out and consider is everything that comes after the word “but.”

Managers and employees often struggle with systems that don’t provide all the functionality they need, such as being able to generate certain types of reports that could help the company better analyze its financials. Older software might constantly freeze up or crash. In some cases, the product may even be so old that support is no longer provided.

When it comes to accounting software upgrades, timing is everything. You don’t want to spend money unnecessarily if your system is fully functional and secure. But you also don’t want to wait too long and risk losing a competitive edge, suffering data loss or corruption, or incurring a security breach.

Building a knowledge base

The first question to ask yourself is: When was the last time we meaningfully upgraded our accounting software?

Many more products may have hit the market since you bought yours — including some that were developed specifically for your industry. Although most accounting software has the same essential features, it’s these specialized functions that hold the most potential value for certain types of companies.

To make an educated choice, business owners and their leadership teams need to gain a detailed understanding of their specific needs and the technological savvy of their employees. You can go about this knowledge-building effort in various ways, including conducting a user survey and putting together a comprehensive, detailed comparison of three or four accounting software products that appear best suited to your business.

If it appears highly likely that a new accounting system would markedly improve your financial tracking and reporting, you’ll be able to make a confident and well-advised purchasing decision.

Preparing for the transition

Bear in mind that buying the software will be the easy part. Transitioning to the new system will probably be much more challenging. When changing or significantly upgrading their accounting software, companies have to walk a fine line between:

  • Rushing the timeline, potentially mishandling setup issues and not providing sufficient training, and

  • Dragging their feet, potentially falling behind on financial reporting.

You might need to engage an IT consultant to help oversee the data transfer from the old system to the new, catch and clean up errors, and ensure strong cybersecurity measures are in place.

It’s a big decision

Moving onward and upward from a long-used accounting system is a big decision. Let us help you determine what software features would be most beneficial to your business, identify which current products would best fulfill your needs, and develop a sensible budget for the purchase.

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What’s the difference between a springing and a nonspringing power of attorney?

Estate planning typically focuses on what happens to your children and your assets when you die. But it’s equally important (some might say even more important) to have a plan for making critical financial and medical decisions if you’re unable to make those decisions yourself.

A crucial component of this plan is the power of attorney (POA). A POA appoints a trusted representative to make medical or financial decisions on your behalf in the event an accident or illness renders you unconscious or mentally incapacitated. Without it, your loved ones would have to petition a court for guardianship or conservatorship, a costly process that can delay urgent decisions.

A question that people often struggle with is whether a POA should be springing, that is, effective when certain conditions are met or nonspringing, that is, effective immediately.

A POA defined

A POA is a document under which you, as “principal,” authorize a representative to be your “agent” or “attorney-in-fact,” to act on your behalf. Typically, separate POAs are executed for health care and property.

A POA for health care authorizes your agent — often, a spouse, an adult child or other family member — to make medical decisions on your behalf or consent to or discontinue medical treatment if you’re unable to do so. Depending on the state you live in, the document may also be known as a medical power of attorney or health care proxy.

A POA for property appoints an agent to manage your investments, pay your bills, file tax returns, continue making any annual charitable and family gifts, and otherwise handle your finances, subject to limitations you establish.

To spring or not to spring

Typically, springing powers take effect when the principal becomes mentally incapacitated, comatose, or otherwise unable to act for himself or herself.

Nonspringing POAs offer a few advantages over springing POAs:

  • Because they’re effective immediately, nonspringing POAs allow your agent to act on your behalf for your convenience, not just when you’re incapacitated.

  • They avoid the need for a determination that you’ve become incapacitated, which can result in delays, disputes or even litigation. This allows your agent to act quickly in an emergency, making critical medical decisions or handling urgent financial matters without having to wait, for example, for one or more treating physicians to examine you and certify that you’re incapacitated.

A potential disadvantage to a nonspringing POA — and the main reason some people opt for a springing POA — is the concern that your agent may be tempted to abuse his or her authority or commit fraud. But consider this: If you don’t trust your agent enough to give him or her a POA that takes effect immediately, how does delaying its effect until you’re deemed incapacitated solve the problem?

Given the advantages of a nonspringing POA, and the potential delays associated with a springing POA, it’s usually preferable to use a nonspringing POA and to make sure the person you name as agent is someone you trust unconditionally. If you’re still uncomfortable handing over a POA that takes effect immediately, consider signing a nonspringing POA but have your attorney or other trusted advisor hold it and deliver it to your agent when needed.

Contact us if you have additional questions regarding a springing or nonspringing POA.

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Don’t overlook foreign assets when planning your estate

You’d be surprised how often people fail to disclose foreign assets to their estate planning advisors. They assume that these assets aren’t relevant to their “U.S.” estate plans, so they’re not worth mentioning. But if you own real estate or other assets outside the United States, it’s critical to address these assets in your estate plan.

Watch out for double taxation

If you’re a U.S. citizen, you’re subject to federal gift and estate tax on all of your worldwide assets, regardless of where you live or where the assets are located. So, if you own assets in other countries, there’s a risk of double taxation if the assets are subject to estate, inheritance or other death taxes in those countries.

You may be entitled to a foreign death tax credit against your U.S. gift or estate tax liability — particularly in countries that have tax treaties with the United States. But in some cases, those credits aren’t available.

Keep in mind that you’re considered a U.S. citizen if 1) you were born here, even if your parents have never been U.S. citizens and regardless of where you currently reside (unless you’ve renounced your citizenship), or 2) you were born outside the United States but at least one of your parents was a U.S. citizen at the time.

Even if you’re not a U.S. citizen, you may be subject to U.S. gift and estate tax on your worldwide assets if you’re domiciled in the United States. Domicile is a somewhat subjective concept — essentially it means you reside in a place with an intent to stay indefinitely and to always return when you’re away. Once the United States becomes your domicile, its gift and estate taxes apply to your assets outside the United States, even if you leave the country, unless you take steps to change your domicile.

One will may not be enough

To ensure that your foreign assets are distributed according to your wishes, your will must be drafted and executed in a manner that will be accepted in the United States as well as in the country or countries where the assets are located. Often, it’s possible to prepare a single will that meets the requirements of each jurisdiction, but it may be preferable to have separate wills for foreign assets. One advantage of doing so is that separate wills, written in the foreign country’s language (if not English) can help streamline the probate process.

If you prepare two or more wills, work with local counsel in each foreign jurisdiction to ensure that they meet each country’s requirements. And it’s critical for your U.S. and foreign advisors to coordinate their efforts to ensure that one will doesn’t nullify the others.

Trust issues

Your U.S. estate plan may use one or more trusts for a variety of purposes, including tax planning, asset management and asset protection. And your U.S. will may provide for all assets to be transferred to a trust.

Be aware, however, that many countries don’t recognize trusts. So, if your estate plan transfers foreign assets to a trust, there could be unwelcome consequences, including higher foreign taxes or even obstacles to transferring the assets as intended.

If you own foreign assets, talk to us about steps you can take to ensure that those assets are distributed in accordance with your wishes and in the most tax-efficient manner possible.

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Take a look at stock options as a recruitment tool

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the U.S. unemployment rate rose slightly to 3.7% in October. Seeing as how that’s still a relatively low number, your business may be struggling to fill its open positions.

Offering equity-based compensation to job candidates is one recruitment strategy to consider. Many companies have used stock options to attract, retain and motivate executives and other key employees.

The finer points of ISOs

Stock options confer the right to buy a certain number of shares at a fixed price for a specified time. Typically, they’re subject to a vesting schedule. This requires recipients to stay with the company for a certain amount of time or meet stated performance goals.

Incentive stock options (ISOs) offer attractive tax advantages for employees. Unlike nonqualified stock options (NQSOs), which we’ll discuss below, ISOs don’t generate taxable compensation when they’re exercised. The employee isn’t taxed until the shares are sold. And if the sale is a “qualifying disposition,” 100% of the stock’s appreciation is treated as capital gain and is free from payroll taxes.

To qualify, ISOs must meet certain requirements:

  • They must be granted under a written plan that’s approved by shareholders within one year before or after adoption,

  • The exercise price must be at least the stock’s fair market value (FMV) on the grant date (110% of FMV for more-than-10% shareholders), and

  • The term can’t exceed 10 years (five years for more-than-10% shareholders).

Additionally, the options can’t be granted to nonemployees. What’s more, employees can’t sell the shares sooner than one year after the options are exercised or two years after they’re granted.

And the total FMV of stock options that first become exercisable by an employee in a calendar year can’t exceed $100,000.

How NQSOs differ

NQSOs are stock options that don’t qualify as ISOs. Typically, the exercise price is at least the stock’s FMV on the grant date. (Various tax complications may ensue, which we won’t get into here.) The NQSO itself generally isn’t considered taxable compensation because there’s no taxable event until exercise. At that time, the spread between the stock’s FMV and the exercise price is treated as compensation.

Although NQSOs are taxed as ordinary income upon exercise, they have several advantages over ISOs. First, they’re not subject to the ISO requirements listed above, so they’re more flexible. For example, they can be granted to independent contractors, outside directors or other nonemployees. Second, they generate tax deductions for the employer and don’t expose recipients to liability for the alternative minimum tax.

Look before you leap

If you’re considering equity-based compensation, it’s important to review the pros, cons and tax implications before offering either type of stock option. Contact us for help evaluating the cost vs. benefit impact of this or any other recruitment strategy you’re considering.

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Act Now to Reduce Your Business’s 2022 Tax Bill

It’s been a tumultuous year for many businesses, and the current economic climate promises more uncertainty for the short term, if not longer. Regardless of how your company has fared so far in 2022, there’s still time to make moves that may reduce your federal tax liability. Read on for some strategies worth your consideration.

Time your income and expenses

When it comes to year-end tax reduction strategies, the granddaddy of them all — for businesses that use cash-basis accounting — is probably the practice of accelerating deductions into the current tax year and deferring income into the next year. You can accelerate deductions by, for example, paying bills or employee bonuses due in 2023 before year end and stocking up on supplies. Meanwhile, you can defer income by holding off on invoicing until late December or early January.

You should consider this strategy only if you don’t expect to see significantly higher profits next year. If you think you will, flip the approach, accelerating income and pushing deductions into the future when they’ll be more valuable. Also, bear in mind that reducing your income could reduce your qualified business income (QBI) deduction, depending on your business entity.

Maximize your QBI deduction

Pass-through entities (that is, sole proprietors, partnerships, limited liability companies and S corporations) can deduct up to 20% of their QBI, subject to certain limitations based on W-2 wages paid, the unadjusted basis of qualified property and taxable income. The deduction, created by the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA), is set to expire after 2025, absent congressional action, so make the most of it while you can.

You could increase your deduction by increasing wages (for example, by converting independent contractors to employees or raising pay for existing employees) or purchasing capital assets. (Of course, these moves usually have other consequences, such as higher payroll taxes, that you should weigh before proceeding.) You can avoid the income limit by timing your income and deductions, as discussed above.

If the W-2 wage limitation doesn’t limit the QBI deduction, S corporation owners can increase their QBI deductions by reducing the wages the business pays them. (This won’t work for sole proprietorships or partnerships, which don’t pay their owners salaries.) Conversely, if the wage limitation does limit the deduction, S corporation owners might be able to take a greater deduction by boosting their wages.

Accelerate depreciation — while you can

The TCJA also increased the Section 168(k) first-year bonus depreciation to 100% of the purchase price, through 2022. Beginning next year, the allowable deduction will drop by 20% each year until it evaporates altogether in 2027 (again, absent congressional action). Combining bonus depreciation with the Section 179 deduction can produce substantial tax savings for 2022.

Under Sec. 179, you can deduct 100% of the purchase price of new and used eligible assets in the year you place them in service — even if they’re only in service for a day or two. Eligible assets include machinery, office and computer equipment, software, and certain business vehicles. The deduction also is available for improvements to nonresidential property.

The maximum Sec. 179 deduction for 2022 is $1.08 million and it begins phasing out on a dollar-for-dollar basis when your qualifying property purchases exceed $2.7 million. The maximum deduction also is limited to the amount of your income from the business, although unused amounts can be carried forward indefinitely.

Alternatively, you can claim excess amounts as bonus depreciation, which is subject to no limits or phaseouts in 2022. Bonus depreciation is available for computer systems, software, vehicles, machinery, equipment, office furniture and qualified improvement property (generally, interior improvements to nonresidential property).

For all their immediate appeal, bonus depreciation and Sec. 179 expensing aren’t always advisable. You may, for example, want to skip accelerated depreciation if you claim the QBI deduction. The deduction is limited by your taxable income, and depreciation reduces such income.

It might be wise to have some depreciation available to offset your income in 2023 through 2025 so you can claim the QBI deduction while it’s still around. You might think twice, too, if you have expiring net operating losses, charitable contributions or credit carryforwards that are affected by taxable income.

The good news is that you don’t have to decide now. As long as you place qualified property in service by December 31, 2022, you have the option of choosing the most advantageous approach when you file your tax return in 2023.

Get real about your bad debts

Business owners are sometimes slow to accept that they’re going to go unpaid for services rendered or goods delivered. If you use accrual-basis accounting, though, facing the facts can land you a bad debt deduction.

The IRS allows businesses to deduct “worthless” debts, in full or in part, that they’ve previously included in their income. To show that a debt is worthless, you need to show that you’ve taken reasonable steps to collect but without success. You aren’t required to go to court if you can show that a judgment from a court would be uncollectible.

You still have time to take reasonable steps to collect outstanding debts. It’s important to keep detailed records of these efforts. If you determine you can’t collect, you may be able to deduct some or all of those debts for 2022.

Start or replace your retirement plan

If you’ve put off establishing a retirement plan, or simply outgrown the plan you started years ago, you have time to possibly trim your taxes this year — and likely improve your employee recruitment and retention at the same time — by starting a new plan. Eligible employers can claim a tax credit of up to $5,000, for the first three years, for the costs of starting a SEP IRA, SIMPLE IRA or a qualified plan such as a 401(k) plan.

The credit is 50% of your costs to set up and administer the plan and educate your employees about it. You can claim up to the greater of $500 or the lesser of:

  • $250 multiplied by the number of non-highly compensated employees who are eligible to participate in the plan, or

  • $5,000.

You can begin to claim the credit in the tax year before the year the plan becomes effective. And, if you add an auto-enrollment feature, you can claim a tax credit of $500 per year for a three-year period beginning in the first taxable year the feature is included.

Leverage your startup expenses

If you launched a new business this year, you might qualify for a limited deduction for certain costs. The IRS allows you to deduct up to $5,000 of startup costs and $5,000 of organizational costs (such as the costs of creating a partnership). The deduction is reduced by the amount by which your total startup or organizational costs exceed $50,000. You must amortize any remaining costs.

An eligible cost is one that you could deduct if it were paid or incurred to operate an existing business in the same field. Eligible costs also must be paid or incurred before the active business begins. Examples include business analysis costs, advertisements for the business’s opening, travel and other costs related to lining up prospective distributors, suppliers or customers, and certain salaries, wages and fees.

Turn to us for planning advice

Many of the strategies detailed here involve tradeoffs that require thoughtful evaluation and analysis. We can help you make the right choices to minimize your company’s tax bill.

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Understand Your Spouse’s Inheritance Rights If You’re Getting Remarried

If you’re taking a second trip down the aisle, you may have different expectations than you did when you got married the first time — especially when it comes to estate planning. For example, if you have children from a previous marriage, your priority may be to provide for them. Or perhaps you feel that your new spouse should have limited rights to your assets compared to those of your spouse from your first marriage.

Unfortunately, the law doesn’t see it that way. In nearly every state, a person’s spouse has certain property rights that apply regardless of the terms of the estate plan. And these rights are the same, whether it’s your first marriage or your second. Here’s an introduction to spousal property rights and strategies you may be able to use to limit them.

Defining a spouse’s “elective share”

Spousal property rights are creatures of state law, so it’s critical to familiarize yourself with the laws in your state to achieve your planning objectives. Most, but not all, states provide a surviving spouse with an “elective share” of the deceased spouse’s estate, regardless of the terms of his or her will or certain other documents.

Generally, a surviving spouse’s elective share ranges from 30% to 50%, though some states start lower and provide for progressively larger shares as the duration of the marriage increases. Perhaps the most significant variable, with respect to planning, is the definition of assets subject to the surviving spouse’s elective share rights.

In some states, the elective share applies only to the “probate estate” — generally, assets held in the deceased spouse’s name alone that don’t have a beneficiary designation. In other states, it applies to the “augmented estate,” which is the probate estate plus certain nonprobate assets. These assets may include revocable trusts, life insurance policies, and retirement or financial accounts that pass according to a beneficiary designation or transfer-on-death designation.

By developing an understanding of how elective share laws apply in your state, you can identify potential strategies for bypassing them.

Using planning strategies

Elective shares are designed to protect surviving spouses from being disinherited. But there may be good reasons for limiting the amount of property that goes to your spouse when you die. For one thing, your spouse may possess substantial wealth in his or her own name. And you may want most of your estate to go to your children from a previous marriage.

Strategies for minimizing the impact of your spouse’s elective share on your estate plan include making lifetime gifts. By transferring property to your children or other loved ones during your lifetime (either outright or through an irrevocable trust), you remove those assets from your probate estate and place them beyond the reach of your surviving spouse’s elective share. If your state uses an augmented estate to determine a spouse’s elective share, lifetime gifts will be protected so long as they’re made before the lookback period or, if permitted, your spouse waives the lookback period.

Seeking professional help

Elective share laws are complex and can vary dramatically from state to state. If you’re remarrying, we can help you evaluate their impact on your estate plan and explore strategies for protecting your assets.

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