IRS provides transitional relief for RMDs and inherited IRAs
The IRS has issued new guidance providing transitional relief related to recent legislative changes to the age at which taxpayers must begin taking required minimum distributions (RMDs) from retirement accounts. The guidance in IRS Notice 2023-54 also extends relief already granted to taxpayers covered by the so-called “10-year rule” for inherited IRAs and other defined contribution plans.
The need for RMD relief
In late 2019, the Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement (SECURE) Act brought numerous changes to the retirement and estate planning landscape. Among other things, it generally raised the age at which retirement account holders must begin to take their RMDs. The required beginning date (RBD) for traditional IRAs and other qualified plans was raised from age 70½ to 72.
Three years later, in December 2022, the SECURE 2.0 Act increased the RBD age for RMDs further. This year the age increased to 73, and it’s scheduled to climb to 75 in 2033.
The RBD is defined as April 1 of the calendar year following the year in which an individual reaches the applicable age. Therefore, an IRA owner who was born in 1951 will have an RBD of April 1, 2025, rather than April 1, 2024. The first distribution made to the IRA owner that will be treated as a taxable RMD will be a distribution made for 2024.
While the delayed onset of RMDs is largely welcome news from an income tax perspective, it has caused some confusion among retirees and necessitated updates to plan administrators’ automatic payment systems. For example, retirees who were born in 1951 and turn 72 this year may have initiated distributions this year because they were under the impression that they needed to start taking RMDs by April 1, 2024.
Administrators and other payors also voiced concerns that the updates could take some time to implement. As a result, they said, plan participants and IRA owners who would’ve been required to start receiving RMDs for calendar year 2023 before SECURE 2.0 (that is, those who reach age 72 in 2023) and who receive distributions in 2023 might have had those distributions mischaracterized as RMDs. This is significant because RMDs aren’t eligible for a tax-free rollover to an eligible retirement plan, so the distributions would be includible in gross income for tax purposes.
The IRS response
To address these concerns, the IRS is extending the 60-day deadline for rollovers of distributions that were mischaracterized as RMDs due to the change in the RBD from age 72 to age 73. The deadline for rolling over such distributions made between January 1, 2023, and July 31, 2023, is now September 30, 2023.
For example, if a plan participant born in 1951 received a single-sum distribution in January 2023, and part of it was treated as ineligible for a rollover because it was mischaracterized as an RMD, the plan participant will have until the end of September to roll over that portion of the distribution. If the deadline passes without the distribution being rolled over, the distribution will then be considered taxable income.
The rollover also applies to mischaracterized IRA distributions made to an IRA owner (or surviving spouse). It applies even if the owner or surviving spouse rolled over a distribution within the previous 12 months, although the subsequent rollover will preclude the owner or spouse from doing another rollover in the next 12 months. (The individual could still make a direct trustee-to-trustee transfer.)
Plan administrators and payors receive some relief, too. They won’t be penalized for failing to treat any distribution made between January 1, 2023, and July 31, 2023, to a participant born in 1951 (or that participant’s surviving spouse) as an eligible rollover distribution if the distribution would’ve been an RMD before SECURE 2.0’s change to the RBD.
The 10-year rule conundrum
Prior to the enactment of the original SECURE Act, beneficiaries of inherited IRAs could “stretch” the RMDs on the accounts over their entire life expectancies. The stretch period could run for decades for younger heirs, allowing them to take smaller distributions and defer taxes while the accounts grew. These heirs then had the option to pass their IRAs to later generations, potentially deferring tax payments even longer.
To accelerate tax collection, the SECURE Act eliminated the rules permitting stretch RMDs for many heirs (referred to as designated beneficiaries, as opposed to eligible designated beneficiaries, or EDBs). For IRA owners or defined contribution plan participants who died in 2020 or later, the law generally requires that the entire balance of the account be distributed within 10 years of death. The rule applies regardless of whether the deceased dies before, on or after the RBD for RMDs from the plan. (EDBs may continue to stretch payments over their life expectancies or, if the deceased died before the RBD, may elect the 10-year rule treatment.)
According to proposed IRS regulations released in February 2022, designated beneficiaries who inherit an IRA or defined contribution plan before the deceased’s RBD can satisfy the 10-year rule by taking the entire sum before the end of the calendar year that includes the 10-year anniversary of the death. Notably, though, if the deceased dies on or after the RBD, designated beneficiaries would be required to take taxable annual RMDs (based on their life expectancies) in years one through nine, receiving the remaining balance in year 10. They can’t wait until the end of 10 years and take the entire account as a lump-sum distribution. The annual RMD rule would provide designated beneficiaries less tax-planning flexibility and could push them into higher tax brackets during those years, especially if they’re working.
The 10-year rule and the proposed regs left many designated beneficiaries who recently inherited IRAs or defined contribution plans bewildered as to when they needed to begin taking RMDs. For example, the IRS heard from heirs of deceased family members who died in 2020. These heirs hadn’t taken RMDs in 2021 and were unsure whether they were required to take them in 2022.
In recognition of the lingering questions, the IRS previously waived enforcement against taxpayers subject to the 10-year rule who missed 2021 and 2022 RMDs if the plan participant died in 2020 on or after the RBD. It also excused missed 2022 RMDs if the participant died in 2021 on or after the RBD. The latest guidance extends that relief by excusing 2023 missed RMDs if the participant died in 2020, 2021 or 2022 on or after the RBD.
The relief means covered individuals needn’t worry about being hit with excise tax equal to 25% of the amounts that should’ve been distributed but weren’t (or 10% if the failure to take the RMD is corrected in a timely manner). And plans won’t be penalized for failing to make an RMD in 2023 that would be required under the proposed regs.
Final regs are pending
The IRS also announced in the guidance that final regs related to RMDs will apply for calendar years no sooner than 2024. Previously, the agency had said final regs would apply no earlier than 2023. We’ll let you know when the IRS publishes the final regs and how they may affect you. Contact FMDwith any questions.
© 2023
How to address your frequent flyer miles in your estate plan
If you’re a frequent traveler, you may have accumulated hundreds of thousands or even millions of frequent flyer miles. The value of these miles may be significant, so it’s important to determine whether you can include them in your estate plan and share them with your loved ones.
Learn your options
Your ability to transfer miles at death (or any other time) is governed by your contract with the airline, which requires you to accept a long list of terms and conditions when you join its frequent flyer program. Most programs make it clear that miles aren’t your property and that you’re not entitled to transfer them during your lifetime or at death. But many programs provide that the airline may transfer miles to authorized persons at their discretion.
For example, American Airlines’ rules state that miles are nontransferable, but that, in the event of death, the airline “in its sole discretion, may credit accrued mileage to persons specifically identified in court approved divorce decrees and wills upon receipt of documentation satisfactory to American Airlines and upon payment of any applicable fees.” Anecdotal evidence indicates that American routinely grants these requests and often waives the fees.
Read the fine print
There are no guarantees, but you can maximize the chances that an airline will honor your wishes by including a provision in your will, leaving your frequent flyer miles to one or more beneficiaries. It may be beneficial to put on your reading glasses and read the fine print of your frequent flyer mile programs. Your attorney can answer questions on how to address your miles (or other odd assets, such as a firearms collection) in your estate plan.
© 2023
You’ve been asked to serve as executor, now what?
If you’ve been asked to serve as executor of the estate of a friend or family member, be sure you understand the responsibilities and potential risks before you agree. Keep in mind that you’re not required to accept the appointment, but once you do it’s more difficult to extricate yourself should you change your mind.
Here are some questions to consider before accepting the offer:
What’s your relationship to the individual? If he or she is a close family member, consider not accepting the appointment if you think your grief after his or her death will make it difficult to function effectively in the executor role.
Are you willing and able to take on the duties of an executor? Generally, an executor is responsible for arranging probate, identifying and taking custody of the deceased’s assets, making investment decisions, filing tax returns, handling creditors’ claims, paying the estate’s expenses, and distributing assets according to the will. Although you can seek help from professionals — such as attorneys, accountants, and investment managers — it’s still a lot of work, sometimes for little or no compensation. Ask if there’s an executor’s fee and whether the estate has set aside funds to pay for professional advisors.
What’s your location? If you live far away from the place where the assets and beneficiaries are located, the job will be more difficult, time-consuming, and expensive.
Do you have a good relationship with the beneficiaries? If not, accepting the appointment may put you in a difficult position, especially if you’re also a beneficiary and the other beneficiaries view that as a conflict of interest.
Will the estate pay your expenses? Even if you receive no fee or commission for serving as executor, be sure the estate will pay, or reimburse you, for any out-of-pocket costs.
Finally, some individuals appoint co-executors. For example, they may select one person who knows the family and understands its dynamics and an independent executor with the requisite expertise. So, be sure you know if you’ll be serving as executor solo or with a partner. Having a co-executor may come as a relief or it may add more complications. Contact your FMD advisor for additional information.
© 2023
Hiring family members can offer tax advantages (but be careful)
Summertime can mean hiring time for many types of businesses. With legions of working-age kids and college students out of school, and some spouses of business owners looking for part-time or seasonal work, companies may have a much deeper hiring pool to dive into this time of year.
If you’re considering hiring your children or spouse, there could be some tax advantages in play. However, you’ll need to be careful about following the IRS rules.
Employing your kids
Children who work for the business of a parent are subject to income tax withholding regardless of age. If the company is a partnership or corporation, children’s wages are also subject to Social Security and Medicare taxes (commonly known as FICA taxes) and Federal Unemployment Tax Act (FUTA) taxes — unless each partner is a parent of the child.
However, substantial savings are possible for a business that’s a sole proprietorship or a partnership in which each partner is a parent of the child-employee. In such cases:
Children under age 18 aren’t subject to FICA or FUTA taxes, and
Children who are 18 to 20 years old are subject to FICA taxes but not FUTA taxes.
As you can see, substantial tax savings may be in the offing depending on your child’s age. Avoiding FICA or FUTA taxes, or both, means more money in your pocket and that of your child.
It’s also worth noting that children generally are taxed at lower rates than their parents. Moreover, a child’s income can be offset partially or completely by the child’s standard deduction ($13,850 for single taxpayers in 2023). If your child earns less than the standard deduction, income is tax-free for the child on top of being deductible for the business.
Hiring your spouse
When your spouse goes to work for your business, that individual’s wages are subject to income tax withholding and FICA taxes — but not FUTA taxes. Employers generally must pay 6% of an employee’s first $7,000 in earnings as the FUTA tax, subject to tax credits for state unemployment taxes paid. Thus, you’ll save the money you’d otherwise spend for a nonspouse employee’s FUTA taxes.
It’s important that your spouse is treated and compensated as an employee. When spouses run a business together, and they share in profits and losses, the IRS may deem them partners — even in the absence of a formal partnership agreement.
You also may reap some savings from hiring your spouse if you’re a sole proprietor and have a Health Reimbursement Arrangement (HRA). Your family can receive tax-free reimbursement from the business for medical expenses, and the business can deduct the reimbursements — reducing your income and self-employment taxes. HRA reimbursements aren’t subject to FICA taxes and the plan itself is a tax-free fringe benefit for your spouse. Do note, however, that this strategy isn’t available if you have other employees.
Handling it properly
Whether you decide to hire a child or spouse, or both, you’ll need to step carefully. Assign them actual job duties, pay them a reasonable amount, and keep thorough employment records (including timesheets as well as IRS Forms W-4 and I-9). Essentially, treat them as you would any other employee. The FMD team can help you handle the situation properly.
© 2023
Virtual currency lands in the IRS’s crosshairs
While the value of virtual currency continues to fluctuate, the IRS’s interest in it has only increased. In 2021, for example, the agency launched Operation Hidden Treasure to root out taxpayers who don’t report income from cryptocurrency transactions on their federal income tax returns.
Moreover, the Inflation Reduction Act, enacted in 2022, allocated $80 billion to the IRS, with much of it designated for enforcement activities. However, the Fiscal Responsibility Act, enacted in May 2023, will claw back $21.39 billion of that amount by the end of 2025. The IRS’s strategic operating plan for 2023 through 2031 lays out the agency’s intention to ramp up enforcement related to digital assets. If you buy, sell or otherwise engage in transactions involving virtual currency, you need to stay up to date with the latest tax developments.
The IRS defines a “virtual asset” as any virtual representation of value that’s recorded on a cryptographically secured distributed ledger or similar technology. The term includes:
Convertible virtual currency (meaning it has an equivalent value in real currency or acts as a substitute for real currency) such as Bitcoin,
Stablecoins (a type of currency whose value is tied to the value of another asset, such as the U.S. dollar), and
Non-fungible tokens (NFTs).
According to the IRS, cryptocurrency is an example of a convertible virtual currency that can be used as a payment for goods and services, digitally traded between users, and exchanged for or into real currencies or digital assets. Cryptocurrency uses cryptography to secure transactions that are digitally recorded on a distributed ledger (for example, blockchain).
Taxation of transactions
For federal tax purposes, digital assets are treated as property. Thus, transactions involving virtual currency are subject to the same general tax rules that apply to property transactions, such as purchases and sales of stock or real estate.
Several types of virtual currency transactions can trigger reporting obligations, including:
Sales. If you sell virtual currency, you must recognize any capital gain or loss on the sale, subject to any limitations on the deductibility of capital losses. The gain or loss equals the difference between your adjusted tax basis in the currency and the amount you receive for it. You should report the amount you receive on your federal income tax return in U.S. dollars (see below for more information on reporting obligations).
Your basis is the amount you spent to acquire the virtual currency, including fees, commissions, and other costs. Your adjusted basis is your basis increased by certain expenditures and reduced by certain deductions or credits.
Property exchanges. If you exchange virtual currency that you hold as a capital asset for other property (including goods or other digital assets), you must recognize a capital gain or loss. The gain or loss is the difference between the fair market value (FMV) of the property you receive and your adjusted tax basis in the virtual currency. If, as part of an arm’s length transaction, you transfer a digital asset and receive other property in exchange, your tax basis in the property you receive is its FMV at the time of the exchange.
Payment for services. If you receive virtual currency for performing services — regardless of whether you perform the services as an employee or an independent contractor — you recognize the FMV of the currency when received as ordinary income. The FMV will also be your tax basis in that asset.
On the flip side, if you pay for a service using virtual currency that you hold as a capital asset, you’ve exchanged a capital asset for the service and will have a capital gain or loss. In addition, the FMV of virtual currency that’s paid as wages, at the date of receipt, is subject to federal income tax withholding, Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA) tax and Federal Unemployment Tax Act (FUTA) tax. It also must be reported on Form W-2, “Wage and Tax Statement.”
Reporting obligations
You may have noticed a new line on your individual federal income tax return in recent years. The 2022 version asks:
“At any time during 2022, did you: (a) receive (as a reward, award or payment for property or services); or (b) sell, exchange, gift or otherwise dispose of a digital asset (or a financial interest in a digital asset)?”
If you answer “yes,” you must report all related income, whether as income, a capital gain or loss, or otherwise (for example, as a gift).
The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), enacted in late 2021, created additional new reporting requirements for digital asset transactions. These provisions were enacted with an eye toward generating additional tax revenues to help fund infrastructure projects. The requirements provide the IRS with more information to work from and establish more potential compliance tripwires for taxpayers who engage in virtual currency transactions.
The IIJA expanded the definition of brokers that are required to report their customers’ gains and losses on the sale of securities during the tax year to the IRS on Form 1099-B, “Proceeds from Broker and Barter Exchange Transactions.” The form generally requires a description of each sale, the cost basis, the acquisition date and price, the sale date and price, and the resulting short- or long-term gain or loss.
Under the IIJA, operators of trading platforms for digital assets, such as cryptocurrency exchanges, are subject to the same reporting requirements as traditional securities brokers. The effective date remains to be seen, though, as the IRS hasn’t yet issued final regulations with instructions. After the new rules take effect, cryptocurrency platforms will need to collect Form W-9, “Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification,” from their customers.
The IIJA also amended existing anti-money laundering laws to treat digital assets as cash for purposes of those laws. As a result, beginning in 2023, businesses must report to the IRS when they receive more than $10,000 in digital assets in one transaction or multiple related transactions.
Such transactions should be reported on IRS Form 8300, “Report of Cash Payments Over $10,000 Received in a Trade or Business.” To complete the form, a business will need to gather the name, address, and taxpayer identification number, among other information, from the payer. Failure to comply may lead to significant civil and criminal penalties.
Enforcement tool
One way the IRS may uncover digital assets is through the use of a “John Doe summons.” The U.S. Department of Justice notes that “because transactions in cryptocurrencies can be difficult to trace and have an inherently pseudo-anonymous aspect, taxpayers may be using them to hide taxable income from the IRS.” By asking a court to serve a John Doe summons on a crypto dealer or exchange, the IRS can find out information about a person’s account.
In one recent case, an individual challenged the IRS’s use of a summons to obtain his account information from a virtual currency exchange. He argued it was unconstitutional. A U.S. District Court disagreed and ruled that the IRS’s actions “fall squarely” within its powers to pursue unpaid taxes. (Harper, DC NH, 5/26/23)
An evolving area
With its new infusion of enforcement funding, the IRS’s focus on virtual currency transactions is likely to intensify. FMD helps you stay in compliance with the applicable rules and requirements.
© 2023
In financial planning, forecasts and projections aren’t the same
Businesses are rightly encouraged to regularly generate professionally prepared financial statements. Doing so is important for both understanding your own financial position and providing accurate, comprehensive information to stakeholders such as investors, lenders, and advisors.
However, keep in mind that financial statements are historical records. They depict the state of the company at a given point in time — not where it will likely be in the future. For the latter purpose, you need to create either a forecast or a projection. But aren’t those two things the same? Not exactly.
Defining the terms
The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) addresses the distinction under its AICPA Attestation Standards Section 301, Financial Forecasts and Projections. The organization differentiates the two terms as follows:
Forecast. Prospective financial statements that present, to the best of the responsible party’s knowledge and belief, an entity’s expected financial position, results of operations, and cash flows. A financial forecast is based on the responsible party’s assumptions reflecting the conditions it expects to exist and the course of action it expects to take.
Projection. Prospective financial statements that present, to the best of the responsible party’s knowledge and belief, given one or more hypothetical assumptions, an entity’s expected financial position, results of operations, and cash flows. A financial projection is sometimes prepared to present one or more hypothetical courses of action for evaluation, as in response to a question such as, “What would happen if…?”
Making the distinction
Indeed, the terms “forecast” and “projection” are sometimes used interchangeably. However, as the AICPA’s definitions make clear, there’s a noteworthy distinction. That is, a forecast represents expected results based on the expected course of action. These are the most common type of prospective reports for companies with steady historical performance that plan to maintain the status quo.
On the flip side, a projection estimates the company’s expected results based on various hypothetical situations. These statements are typically used when management is uncertain whether performance targets will be met. Thus, they may be more appropriate for start-ups, fast-growing or transforming companies, or businesses evaluating long-term results where customer demand or market conditions will likely change.
Rolling along
Regardless of whether you opt for a forecast or projection, the report will generally be organized using the same format as your financial statements — with an income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow statement. Most prospective statements conclude with a summary of key assumptions underlying the numbers. Such assumptions should be driven by your company’s historical financial statements, along with a detailed sales budget for the year.
Instead of relying on static forecasts or projections — which can quickly become outdated in an unpredictable marketplace — some companies now use rolling 12-month versions that are adaptable and look beyond year-end. Doing so enables you to better identify and respond to weaknesses in your assumptions, as well as unexpected changes to your situation.
For example, a business that suddenly experiences a shortage of materials could experience an unexpected drop in sales until conditions improve. If the company maintains a rolling forecast, it should be able to revise its financial plans more effectively for such a temporary disruption.
Getting in the ballpark
Bear in mind that few forecasts or projections are completely accurate. The future really is that hard to predict. However, a carefully created and timely forecast or projection can “put you in the ballpark” of what’s to come and help your business succeed at financial planning. FDM can assist you in generating properly prepared financial statements as well as useful forecasts and projections.
© 2023
Prepare for an uncertain federal gift and estate tax exemption amount with a SLAT
For 2023, the federal gift and estate tax exemption amount stands at $12.92 million ($25.84 million for married couples). But without action from Congress, on January 1, 2026, it’s scheduled to drop to only $5 million ($10 million for married couples). Based on current estimates, those figures are expected to be adjusted for inflation to a little over $6 million and $12 million, respectively.
If you expect your estate’s worth to exceed those estimated 2026 exemption amounts, consider implementing planning techniques today that may help reduce or avoid gift and estate tax liability down the road. One such technique is a spousal lifetime access trust (SLAT). Under the right circumstances, a SLAT allows you to remove significant wealth from your estate tax-free while providing a safety net in the event your needs change in the future.
SLAT basics
A SLAT is an irrevocable trust that permits the trustee to make distributions to your spouse, during his or her lifetime, if a need arises. Typically, SLATs are designed to benefit your children or other heirs, while paying income to your spouse during his or her lifetime.
You can make completed gifts to the trust, removing those assets from your estate. But you continue to have indirect access to the trust by virtue of your spouse’s status as a beneficiary. Usually, this is accomplished by appointing an independent trustee with full discretion to make distributions to your spouse.
Beware of potential pitfalls
SLATs must be planned and drafted carefully to avoid unwanted consequences. For example, to avoid inclusion of trust assets in your spouse’s estate, your gifts to the trust must be made with your separate property. This may require additional planning, especially if you live in a community property state. And after the trust is funded, it’s critical to ensure that the trust assets aren’t commingled with community property or marital assets.
It’s important to keep in mind that a SLAT’s benefits depend on indirect access to the trust through your spouse, so your marriage must be strong for this strategy to work. There’s also a risk that you’ll lose the safety net provided by a SLAT if your spouse predeceases you. One way to hedge your bets is to set up two SLATs: one created by you with your spouse as a beneficiary and one created by your spouse naming you as a beneficiary.
If you and your spouse each establish a SLAT, you’ll need to plan carefully to avoid the reciprocal trust doctrine. Under that doctrine, if the IRS concludes that the two trusts are interrelated and place you and your spouse in about the same economic position as if you had each created a trust for your own benefit, it may undo the arrangement. To avoid this outcome, the trusts’ terms should be varied so that they’re not substantially identical.
Contact FMD for more information.
© 2023
If your family owns a vacation home, address it carefully in your estate plan
For many people, the disposition of a family home is an emotionally charged estate planning issue. And emotions may run even higher with vacation homes, which often evoke even fonder memories. So, it’s important to address your vacation home carefully in your estate plan.
Keeping the peace
Before you do anything, talk with your loved ones about the vacation home. Simply dividing the home equally among your children or other family members may be an invitation to conflict and hurt feelings. Some may care more about keeping the home in the family than about any financial benefits it might provide. Others may prefer to sell the home and use the proceeds for other needs.
One solution is to leave the vacation home to the family members who want it and leave other assets to those who don’t. Alternatively, you can develop a buyout plan that establishes the terms under which family members who want to keep the home can buy the interests of those who want to sell. The plan should establish a reasonable price and payment terms, which might include payment in installments over several years.
You also may want to create a usage schedule for nonowners whom you wish to continue enjoying the vacation home. And to help alleviate the costs of keeping the vacation home in the family, consider setting aside assets that will generate income to pay for maintenance, repairs, property taxes and other expenses.
Transferring the home
After determining who will receive your vacation home, there are several traditional estate planning tools you can use to transfer it in a tax-efficient manner. It may make sense to transfer interests in the home to your children or other family members now, using tax-free gifts.
But if you’re not yet ready to give up ownership, consider a qualified personal residence trust (QPRT). With a QPRT, you transfer a qualifying vacation home to an irrevocable trust, retaining the right to occupy the home during the trust term. At the end of the term, the home is transferred to your beneficiaries, though it’s possible to continue occupying the home by paying them fair market rent. The transfer is a taxable gift of your beneficiaries’ remainder interest, which is only a fraction of the home’s current fair market value.
You must survive the trust term, and the vacation home must qualify as a “personal residence,” which means, among other things, that you use it for the greater of 14 days per year or more than 10% of the total number of days it’s rented out.
Discussing your intentions
These are only a few of the issues that may be involved in passing on a vacation home. Estate planning for a vacation home may be complicated but it doesn’t have to be. The key is to sit down with your family to discuss the options. Only then can you put together a plan that meets everyone’s needs. Contact us with questions about the most tax-efficient way to proceed.
© 2023
What should you consider when choosing a guardian?
What’s arguably the most common reason people put off estate planning? It’s naming a guardian for their minor children. No doubt this is a difficult decision for parents to make. However, if you and your spouse don’t name a guardian for your minor children and you both die unexpectedly, a court will name one.
First steps
Begin by developing a list of potential candidates. Immediate family members are obvious choices but don’t limit yourself. Extended family members, friends, teachers, and childcare providers may also be good choices.
After compiling your initial list of candidates:
Identify the values that are important to you and your spouse. These may include religious and moral beliefs, parenting philosophy, educational values, and social values. Bear in mind that you’re not likely to find a perfect match, so you’ll need to prioritize your values.
List the intangibles. It’s important to consider potential guardians’ intangible qualities, such as their personalities and whether they’d be a good “fit” for your children.
Take the potential guardian’s age into consideration. If your children are very young, a grandparent or other older person may not have the energy to keep up with them. Choosing a younger guardian also reduces the risk that your kids will go through the trauma of losing another loved one.
Be practical. Consider factors such as where potential guardians live, whether they have other children, and if their homes are large enough to accommodate your kids. Ideally, your estate will include sufficient assets to provide your children with everything they need. But if it doesn’t, will the guardian have the resources to support them properly?
Once you narrow your list to a primary choice and one or two alternates, discuss your plans with them. You can’t force someone to act as your children’s guardian, so it’s critical to talk with all candidates to make sure they understand what’s expected of them and are willing to take on the responsibilities. If your children are mature enough, you may want to get their input as well.
Reaching a final decision
Keep in mind that your choice of guardian isn’t binding. In appointing a guardian, a court’s sole concern is the child’s best interest. But it’ll generally defer to your wishes unless it deems the person you choose to be unfit. To help ensure that your nominee is accepted, write a letter explaining the reasons for your choice. Contact FMD with any questions.
© 2023
Avoid succession drama with a buy-sell agreement
Recently, the critically acclaimed television show “Succession” aired its final episode. If the series accomplished anything, it was depicting the chaos and uncertainty that can take place if a long-time business owner fails to establish a clearly written and communicated succession plan.
While there are many aspects to succession planning, one way to put some clear steps in writing — particularly if your company has multiple owners — is to draft a buy-sell agreement.
Avoiding conflicts
A “buy-sell,” as it’s often called for short, is essentially a contract that lays out the terms and conditions under which the owners of a business, or the business itself, can buy out an owner’s interest if a “triggering event” occurs. Such events typically include an owner dying, becoming disabled, getting divorced, or deciding to leave the company.
If an owner dies, for example, a buy-sell can help prevent conflicts — and even litigation — between surviving owners and a deceased owner’s heirs. In addition, it helps ensure that surviving owners don’t become unwitting co-owners with a deceased owner’s spouse who may have little knowledge of the business or interest in participating in it.
A buy-sell also spells out how ownership interests are valued. For instance, the agreement may set a predetermined share price or include a formula for valuing the company that’s used upon a triggering event, such as an owner’s death or disability. Or it may call for the remaining owners to engage a business valuation specialist to estimate fair market value.
By facilitating the orderly transition of a deceased, disabled or otherwise departing owner’s interest, a buy-sell helps ensure a smooth transfer of control to the remaining owners or an outside buyer.
This minimizes uncertainty for all parties involved. Remaining owners can rest assured that they’ll retain ownership control without outside interference. The departing owner, or in some cases that person’s spouse and heirs know they’ll be fairly compensated for the ownership interest in question. And employees will feel better about the company’s long-term stability, which may boost morale and retention.
Funding the agreement
There are several ways to fund a buy-sell. The simplest approach is to create a “sinking fund” into which owners make contributions that can be used to buy a departing owner’s shares. Or remaining owners can simply borrow money to purchase ownership shares.
However, there are potential complications with both options. That’s why many companies turn to life insurance and disability buyout insurance as funding mechanisms. Upon a triggering event, such a policy will provide cash that can be used to buy the deceased owner’s interest. There are two main types of buy-sells funded by life insurance:
1. Cross-purchase agreements. Here, each owner buys life insurance on the others. The proceeds are used to purchase the departing owner’s interest.
2. Entity-purchase agreements. In this case, the business buys life insurance policies for each owner. Policy proceeds are then used to purchase an owner’s interest following a triggering event. With fewer ownership interests outstanding, the remaining owners effectively own a higher percentage of the company.
A cross-purchase agreement tends to work better for businesses with only two or three owners. Conversely, an entity-purchase agreement is often a good choice when there are more than three owners because of the cost and complexity of owners having to buy so many different life insurance policies.
Getting expert guidance
Creating, administering, and executing a buy-sell agreement calls for expert assistance. The FMD team can help you identify, gather and organize the relevant financial information involved.
© 2023
Why businesses may want to consider ESG in strategic planning
When engaging in strategic planning, business owners and their leadership teams must consider various factors. These commonly include the state of your industry, the national and local economies, the company’s financial position and cash flow, and opportunities in the marketplace.
However, in today’s world, where transparency is everything, another factor that may be important for some companies is a clearly defined approach to environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues.
3 areas of focus
As a general concept, ESG (as it’s often called for short) focuses on three areas:
The environmental component considers your company’s impact on the environment, including the energy it uses, the waste it produces, and the resources it consumes.
The social element examines your business’s relationships with people, communities, and institutions. It includes fair labor practices; worker health and safety; diversity, equity, and inclusion; and your company’s impact on the people of the community or communities where it operates.
The governance portion includes policies, practices, and procedures your business adopts to govern itself. Considerations include ethics, transparency, legal compliance, executive compensation, supply-chain management, data protection, and product quality and safety.
The idea is that, to be a good “corporate citizen,” it’s important to recognize the impact of your company’s activities on the environment, the people it employs, and those it interacts with. And it’s equally important to implement business practices that minimize potentially adverse effects.
Who’s watching
Not everyone agrees on the importance of ESG. However, as mentioned, businesses of certain types or in certain areas may find themselves under pressure from various parties to implement ESG initiatives.
For starters, some customers are increasingly considering ESG — particularly environmental impact and fair labor practices — when making buying decisions. Similarly, certain investors are making ESG performance a priority when deciding whether and how to invest their capital. These stakeholders may be interested in not only how your company handles ESG, but also how your suppliers and other business partners do as well.
Moreover, many governing authorities at the global, national, state, and local levels are prioritizing ESG. A business could incur costly fines and reputational damage for not complying with laws or regulations related to:
Environmental issues such as pollution and carbon emissions,
Social issues such as labor relations, worker health and product safety, and
Supply-chain issues such as human rights violations and the use of conflict minerals.
In addition, public entities may impose ESG standards that go beyond the legal requirements on certain projects. This can seriously impact businesses that rely heavily on government contracts.
Changes in the labor force may also have an impact. Generally, younger workers tend to consider a potential employer’s ESG practices when deciding where to work. And employees of all ages are increasingly more attuned to whether a company mindfully handles the many issues involved. In short, ESG may affect hiring and employee retention.
Something to think about
As you and your leadership team check in on this year’s strategic goals and develop new ones, you may want to assess whether and how ESG might affect your company. It’s something that many businesses are focused on — and you just might discover some ways to differentiate yourself from the competition.
© 2023
What’s in the Fiscal Responsibility Act?
President Biden has signed into law the new debt ceiling agreement that he reached with U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA). The Fiscal Responsibility Act (FRA) suspends — as opposed to raising — the debt ceiling until 2025, after the next presidential election.
The FRA also makes a variety of changes related to domestic spending, although it falls far short of the cuts included in the Republican bill that the House passed in April 2023, with no changes to the GOP’s long-time targets of Social Security and Medicare. Nonetheless, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) projects the law will reduce the federal deficit by about $1.5 trillion over 10 years.
The main provisions
The new law primarily tackles discretionary spending. The notable provisions address:
IRS funding. The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), which was enacted in 2022, included an additional $80 billion in funding for the tax agency, with much of it designated for heightened enforcement activity against wealthy taxpayers. The FRA immediately rescinds $1.39 billion and pares back the funding by about $10 billion each year for 2024 and 2025. However, White House officials have indicated that they expect the funding cuts to make little difference in the IRS’s pending expansion plans because the agency planned to spend the original funding over several years. It may be able to spend some of the funds earmarked for later years earlier and then return to Congress to request more funding in the future.
Spending caps. One of the more contentious focuses of the negotiations was non-defense discretionary funding for programs such as scientific research, domestic law enforcement, forest management, environmental protection, air traffic control, and nutritional assistance for mothers. The final result is a virtual freeze on this spending, facilitated in part by the reduced funding for the IRS. The spending will drop by about $1 billion in the 2024 fiscal year, compared to this fiscal year, with a 1% increase slated for the 2025 fiscal year. This amounts to a cut, as inflation is expected to grow at a rate greater than 1%. The final non-defense figures are $704 billion for 2024 and $711 billion for 2025.
Defense and veterans affairs spending. The FRA provides Biden’s budgeted funding for the military and veterans affairs for 2024, adjusted for inflation. Total defense spending will grow to $886 billion in 2024 and $895 billion in 2025.
Student loan debt. The new law codifies Biden’s previous announcement that the moratorium on student loan payments precipitated by the COVID-19 pandemic won’t be extended beyond this summer. His plan to cancel student loan debt for many borrowers — to the tune of $430 billion — isn’t part of the law. (However, the plan is currently under review by the U.S. Supreme Court.)
Work requirements. Certain recipients of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) benefits will face new work requirements, although Medicaid recipients won’t. Specifically, the FRA raises the top age at which adults without children living in their homes must work to receive SNAP assistance, from 49 to 54, phased in over three years. However, the law includes exemptions for the homeless, veterans and individuals age 24 or younger who were children in foster care. It also includes provisions that could increase the number of individuals who must satisfy work requirements to receive TANF benefits from their state programs. Yet, the CBO estimates that the various changes will actually result in more people receiving assistance.
COVID-19 clawback. Much of the remaining unspent COVID-19 relief funds, estimated to equal $30 billion to $70 billion, will be “clawed back.” Portions of that funding will be retained, though, including a certain amount for vaccines.
Permitting for energy projects. The FRA includes rules to make it easier for new energy projects, including fossil fuel projects, to obtain permit approval.
The leftovers
As noted, the original House debt ceiling bill was much more aggressive. Republicans sought larger spending cuts and tighter work requirements. They also aimed to repeal hundreds of billions in tax incentives in the IRA intended to increase the use of renewable energy and combat climate change.
On the other side of the aisle, Democrats hoped to raise taxes on corporations and taxpayers who earn more than $400,000. In addition, they wanted to institute measures to reduce Medicare spending on prescription drugs.
None of these priorities are included in the new law.
The bottom line
Experts have noted that the outcome of the latest debt ceiling challenge largely resembles the likely outcome of budget negotiations in a divided government, albeit with much more drama and more drastic potential implications for the global economy. Moreover, additional bills related to appropriations — what the parties have referred to as “agreed upon adjustments” — are expected in coming months, which could reduce the effects of some of the spending cuts.
© 2023
Is it time for a targeted marketing campaign?
If you’ve been in business a while, you might assume that you know exactly who your customers are. But, as the saying goes, “life comes at you fast.” Customer desires, preferences, and demographics can all shift before you know it.
One way to avoid getting caught off guard is to regularly conduct a targeted marketing campaign. This is an analytical approach to studying a company’s market, breaking it up into segments and focusing marketing efforts on the most potentially profitable ones.
Gather demographic data
The first step is to collect as much customer demographic information as possible. As mentioned, your customer base may have slowly shifted over the years and you’re still reaching out to people who, for whatever reason, have become a smaller proportion of buyers. Examples of straightforward demographic variables that you can gather for analysis include:
Age bracket,
Income level,
Education, and
Location (home and work).
For instance, if you cater to people who live near your business, the reason for a shift in your customer base could be as simple as a turnover in neighborhood demographics. Such a shift could account for a slow loss of business because you’ve failed to reposition or modify your product or service to better connect with the new demographic.
Look at the big picture
Next, review the purchasing patterns of different demographic groups in your existing customer base. Who are your most and least profitable customers? Monitor buying patterns over time, including which segments are growing and shrinking.
Also evaluate demographic trends in the broader market to determine whether any shifts you’re seeing in customer base are consistent with broader demographic trends. The answer will hold important implications for your marketing strategy.
For example, if you’re operating in a demographic area that’s bucking trends in the wider market, you’ll probably want to shift your marketing focus as the trends catch up with your locale. Or, if you’re looking to aggressively grow your business, you may need to expand your marketing efforts to a broader audience than your current customer base.
Consider cluster analysis
When conducting a targeted marketing campaign, many companies choose to group similar people into “clusters” to more effectively market products or services to them. Commonly referred to as “cluster analysis,” this approach is helpful when basic demographic criteria might not be strong indicators of whether someone is likely to be interested in the product or service being offered.
Once you’ve identified the market segments that you want to target, figure out how to best connect with them. Personalize your market segmentation strategy to each cluster’s preferred mode of communication. This is sometimes referred to as using “emotional intelligence when communicating with customers.”
Finally, keep in mind that you also need to supplement your demographic research with competitive intelligence. If competitors are miles ahead of you in reaching a demographic that you intend to target, you’ll need to factor that into your strategy. Indeed, you might decide not to try to expand into that segment if the effort would require a huge investment with a low likelihood of success.
Use the data wisely
To be clear, this has been just a general overview of targeted marketing campaigns. There are many different approaches you could apply and a variety of metrics to potentially track. FMD can help you review your financials to determine how to budget for an optimal targeted marketing campaign, as well as how to best use the data gathered.
© 2023
Ease the burden of being a member of the Sandwich Generation with these action steps
If you’re currently taking care of your children and elderly parents, count yourself among those in the “Sandwich Generation.” Although it may be personally gratifying to help your parents, it can be a time-consuming and financial burden.
How can you best handle the financial affairs of parents in the later stages of life? Incorporate their needs into your own estate plan while tweaking, when necessary, the arrangements they’ve already made. Here are some critical action steps to take to better manage your situation:
Identify key contacts. Just like you’ve done for yourself, compile the names and addresses of professionals important to your parents’ finances and medical conditions. These may include stockbrokers, financial advisors, attorneys, CPAs, insurance agents and physicians.
List and value their assets. If you’re going to be able to manage the financial affairs of your parents, having knowledge of their assets is vital. Keep a list of their investment holdings, IRAs and other retirement plan accounts, and life insurance policies, including current balances and account numbers. Be sure to add in projections for Social Security benefits.
Execute the proper estate planning documents. Develop a plan incorporating several legal documents. If your parents already have one or more of these documents, the paperwork may need to be revised. Some elements commonly included in an estate plan are:
Wills. Your parents’ wills control the disposition of their possessions and tie up other loose ends. (Of course, jointly owned property with rights of survivorship automatically passes to the survivor.) Notably, a will also establishes the executor of your parents’ estates. If you’re the one providing financial assistance, you may be the optimal choice.
Living trusts. A living trust can supplement a will by providing for the disposition of selected assets. Unlike a will, a living trust doesn’t have to go through probate, so this might save time and money, while avoiding public disclosure.
Powers of attorney for health and finances. These documents authorize someone to legally act on behalf of another person. With a durable power of attorney, the most common version, the authorization continues after the person is disabled. This enables you to better handle your parents’ affairs.
Living wills or advance medical directives. These documents provide guidance for end-of-life decisions. Make sure that your parents’ physicians have copies so they can act according to their wishes.
Beneficiary designations. Undoubtedly, your parents have completed beneficiary designations for retirement plans, IRAs and life insurance policies. These designations supersede references in a will, so it’s important to keep them up to date.
Spread the wealth. If you decide the best approach for helping your parents is to give them monetary gifts, it’s relatively easy to avoid gift tax liability. Under the annual gift tax exclusion, you can give each recipient up to $17,000 (for 2023) without paying any gift tax. Plus, payments to medical providers aren’t considered gifts, so you may make such payments on your parents’ behalf without using any of your annual exclusion or lifetime exemption amount.
If you’re part of the Sandwich Generation, you already have a lot on your plate. Please contact the FMD team if you have questions regarding your parents’ estate plans or your own. We’d be pleased to help during this challenging time.
© 2023
If you’re married, ensure that you and your spouse coordinate your estate plans
Estate planning can be complicated enough if you don’t have a spouse. But things can get more difficult for married couples. Even if you and your spouse have agreed on most major issues in the past — such as child rearing, where to live and other lifestyle choices — you shouldn’t automatically assume that you’ll both be on the same page when it comes to making estate planning decisions.
A worst-case scenario is when one spouse moves forward with his or her estate plan without the knowledge or approval of the other, to the eventual detriment of the family. Thus, it’s critical for both spouses to clearly communicate their estate planning goals to each other.
Where to begin?
Start with the basic premise that state law generally governs estate matters. Therefore, state law determines if your property is community property, separate property or tenancy by the entirety. For instance, California is a community property state. That means half of what a resident owns is his or her spouse’s property and vice versa. There’s no circumventing this law when planning for a joint estate.
Next, consider your family’s dynamics. Emotions can run high and tensions may result, for example, if a family includes children from a prior marriage. If these issues aren’t addressed beforehand, it could lead to legal squabbles.
Don’t forget about the tax implications. Currently, married couples can take advantage of a record-high federal gift and estate tax exemption that shelters most estates from tax. However, if you and your spouse are high earners (or otherwise have large estates) ensure that you incorporate estate tax minimization techniques into your coordinated plans.
Finally, decide together on distributions of assets to designated beneficiaries. You may intend, for example, for expensive jewelry to go to one child, but your spouse might have other ideas.
Keep lines of communication open
Indeed, clear communication is essential for married couples when developing estate plans. The FMD team can help ensure that you and your spouse both have plans that work in harmony.
© 2023
What is the difference between Prevailing Wage Act and Davis-Bacon Act?
Prevailing Wage requires employers working on Michigan state-funded projects to pay employees on those projects wages and fringe benefits similar to union-level wages and benefits. This applies to both contractors and subcontractors. With the exception of lease build-outs, if a project greater than $50,000 involves employing construction mechanics (e.g., asbestos, hazardous material handling, boilermaker, carpenter, cement mason, electrician, office reconstruction and installation, laborer including cleaning debris, scraping floors, or sweeping floors in construction areas, etc.) and is sponsored or financed in whole or in part by State funds, state contractors must pay prevailing wage.
Here are some helpful links:
The Michigan Department of Technology, Management, and Budget Frequently Asked Questions link (Please note the reference to year 2022 is the latest on this site)
Michigan Labor and Economic Opportunity - Bureau of Employment Relations - Wage and Hour Division website has additional information on prevailing wage requirements
The Davis-Bacon Act requires the payment of prevailing wage rates, which are determined by the US Department of Labor (DOL), to all laborers and mechanics on federal government construction projects in excess of $2,000. Generally, Michigan’s minimum wage rates exceed the DOL wage rates. Here is a link to the Davis-Bacon Act and Frequently Asked Questions.
The Prevailing Wage Act is ENROLLED HOUSE BILL No. 4007 now known as Act No. 10 Public Acts of 2023.
It requires prevailing wages and fringe benefits on state projects; to establish the requirements and responsibilities of contracting agents and bidders; to make appropriations for the implementation of this act; and to prescribe penalties.
Sec. 2. (1) Every contract executed between a contracting agent and a successful bidder as contractor and entered into pursuant to advertisement and invitation to bid for a state project which requires or involves the employment of construction mechanics, other than those subject to the jurisdiction of the state civil service commission, and which is sponsored or financed in whole or in part by the state shall contain an express term that the rates of wages and fringe benefits to be paid to each class of mechanics by the bidder and all of its subcontractors, shall be not less than the wage and fringe benefit rates prevailing in the locality in which the work is to be performed. Contracts on state projects which contain provisions requiring the payment of prevailing wages as determined by the United States Secretary of Labor pursuant to 40 USC 3141 to 3148 or which contain minimum wage schedules which are the same as prevailing wages in the locality as determined by collective bargaining agreements or understandings between bona fide organizations of construction mechanics and their employers are exempt from the provisions of this act.
(2) A contractor or subcontractor shall pay to its construction mechanics wages and fringe benefits at the rates required under an applicable contract for a state project.
What does the Prevailing Wage law mean?
a. Michigan has reinstated its prevailing wage law, which requires the payment of wages to employees working on state-funded projects at the “prevailing wage in the locality.” This requirement was previously in place from 1965 to 2018.
b. The “prevailing wage” is a level set by the state that is similar to the union-level wages and fringe benefits that all employers performing state-funded projects in the locality are required to pay to employees. State-funded projects include the construction, alteration, repair, installation, demolition, or improvement of public buildings, schools, works, bridges, highways, or roads.
c. The prevailing wage requirement will apply to contracts entered into or bids made after the law goes into effect (90 days after the end of the current legislative session, which is expected to be mid to late March 2024). Contracts that require payment of prevailing wages established by the U.S. Secretary of Labor or which contain minimum wage schedules as set forth in local collective bargaining agreements or understandings between bona fide organizations of construction mechanics and their employers are exempt from the provisions of this act.
d. After the law is in effect, the Commissioner of the Michigan Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity will be responsible for establishing the prevailing wage rates for all classes of employees required to perform a state-funded construction project prior to accepting bids from contractors.
e. Contractors awarded a project will be required to post the prevailing wages at the construction site and maintain accurate records of the actual wages and benefits paid to employees.
f. Contractors that fail to pay prevailing wages may have their contract terminated, be required to pay any excess costs incurred by the state for contracting with a new employer, and be fined up to $5,000.
g. Contractors and their subcontractors are jointly and severally liable for costs associated with a violation.
h. Contractors are also prohibited from discharging or discriminating against a skilled or unskilled mechanic, laborer, worker, helper, assistant, or apprentice working on a state project who reports or was about to report a violation or suspected violation.
What is the Davis-Bacon Act?
a. The Davis-Bacon Act requires the payment of prevailing wage rates, which are determined by the US Department of Labor (DOL), to all laborers and mechanics on federal government construction projects in excess of $2,000.
b. The act is named after its sponsors, James J. Davis, a Senator from Pennsylvania and a former Secretary of Labor under three presidents, and Representative Robert L. Bacon of Long Island, New York. The Davis-Bacon act was passed by Congress and signed into law by President Herbert Hoover on March 3, 1931.
c. In Michigan as of January 2022, a contractor must pay all covered workers at least $11.25 per hour (or the applicable wage rate, if it is higher) for all hours spent performing on a federal government construction contract.
If you have further questions please contact your advisor at FMD.
Addressing pay equity at your business
Businesses today are under increased pressure to fully understand and thoroughly respond to the issue of pay equity. And neither of these two broad undertakings is particularly easy.
First, fully understanding what pay equity is and whether and how it’s played out at your company calls for research, analysis, and perhaps some difficult discussions. The second part, responding to it in practical and effective ways, can entail changing long-standing employment processes and investing in additional training and communications initiatives.
Philosophy and practice
Simply defined, pay equity is the philosophy and practice of “equal pay for equal work.” That doesn’t mean everyone receives the same amount of pay. It means compensation is free of unjust biases historically related to demographic factors such as age, race, gender, disability, national origin, and sexual orientation. Employees’ pay, both upon hire and as adjusted through raises, should be determined on the basis of objective, relevant factors such as education and training, experience, skills, performance, and tenure.
As mentioned, determining whether pay inequities exist within your business will entail a careful and honest assessment. Many companies conduct a formal pay equity audit. This is a thorough statistical analysis of compensation history, policies and structure. The audit’s objective is to identify any inconsistencies, gaps and incongruities that can’t be rationally explained.
Best prevention practices
To prevent instances of inequitable pay at your company, here are some best practices to consider:
Use only initials or random ID numbers during early screenings of job candidates. Minimizing the ability to distinguish candidates by ethnicity or gender can reduce the likelihood of biases in hiring and initial compensation decisions.
Refrain from asking candidates their pay histories. Women and people of color are more likely to have been paid less in their previous positions. Using historical compensation to set their current salaries only compounds pay disparities.
Generate objective criteria for recruiting, hiring, compensating, evaluating and promoting employees. Implement standard pay ranges that reflect each position’s value to the business.
Limit the ability of managers or supervisors to singlehandedly adjust pay for specific individuals. Such one-off decisions can lead to pay inequities.
Help managers and supervisors understand pay equity. Training will help them recognize how to best develop a culture that embraces pay equity and discuss the issue with their employees.
Communicate openly and regularly with staff. Let employees know how you set compensation and reassure them that they can discuss pay with their supervisors without fear of retaliation. More transparency tends to foster greater pay equity.
Tough questions
Make no mistake, pay equity is a tricky issue that can raise a lot of tough questions. Dealing with it won’t be a “one and done” activity. However, establishing your business as one that pays equitably will bolster your “employer brand” in today’s competitive labor market. Our firm can help you conduct a pay equity audit as well as better understand all aspects of your compensation structure.
© 2023
You’ve received a sizable inheritance: Now what?
If you’ve received, or will soon receive a significant inheritance, it may be tempting to view it as “found money” that can be spent freely. But unless your current financial plan ensures that you’ll comfortably reach all your goals, it’s a good idea to have a plan of action for managing your newfound wealth.
Take time to reflect
Generally, when you receive an inheritance, there’s no need to act quickly. Take some time to reflect on the significance of the inheritance for your financial situation; consult with a team of trusted advisors (including an attorney, accountant, and financial advisor); and carefully review your options.
While you’re planning, park any cash or investments in a bank or brokerage account. If you’re married, consider holding the assets in an account in your name only. An inheritance is usually considered your separate property in the event of a divorce, but it may lose that status if it’s commingled with marital property in a joint account.
Avoid making quick financial commitments
If your loved one’s estate is still being administered, don’t start spending — or make any financial commitments based on your inheritance — until you understand what your net proceeds from the estate will be. Once all fees and taxes are accounted for, the final settlement may be less than you expect.
If you’re receiving your inheritance through a trust, talk with the trustee, familiarize yourself with the trust’s terms, and be sure you understand the timing and amount of distributions and any conditions that must be satisfied to receive them.
Beware of income and estate tax consequences
An inheritance generally isn’t subject to income tax, but depending on the types of assets you inherit, they may have an impact on your tax situation going forward. For example, certain income-producing assets — such as those from real estate, an investment portfolio or a retirement plan — may substantially increase your taxable income or even push you into a higher tax bracket.
Depending on the size of the inheritance, it may also have an impact on your estate plan. If it increases the value of your estate to a point where estate tax becomes a concern, talk with your advisor about strategies for reducing those taxes and preserving as much wealth as possible for your heirs.
Review and revise your financial plan
Treating an inheritance separately from your other assets may encourage impulsive, unplanned spending. A better approach is to integrate inherited assets into your overall financial plan.
Consider using some of the inheritance to pay down credit card or other high-interest debt (if you have it) or to build an emergency fund. The rest should be available, along with your other assets, for funding your retirement, college expenses for your children, travel or other financial goals.
Have a plan
If you receive a sizable inheritance, there’s nothing wrong with taking a small portion of it and splurging a bit. But for the most part, you should treat inherited assets as you’d treat the assets you’ve earned over the years and incorporate them into a comprehensive financial plan. You’ll also want to address any inherited assets in your estate plan. Contact us for more information.
© 2023
Don’t overlook these two essential estate planning strategies
When it comes to estate planning, there’s no shortage of techniques and strategies available to reduce your taxable estate and ensure your wishes are carried out after your death. Indeed, the two specific strategies discussed below should be used in many estate plans.
1. Take advantage of the annual gift tax exclusion
Don’t underestimate the tax-saving power of making annual exclusion gifts. For 2023, the exclusion increased by $1,000 to $17,000 per recipient ($34,000 if you split gifts with your spouse).
For example, let’s say Jim and Joan combine their $17,000 annual exclusions for 2023 so that their three children and their children’s spouses, along with their six grandchildren, each receive $34,000. The result is that $408,000 is removed tax-free from the couple’s estates this year ($34,000 x 12).
What if the same amounts were transferred to the recipients upon Jim’s or Joan’s death instead? Their estate would be taxed on the excess over the current federal gift and estate tax exemption ($12.92 million in 2023). If no gift and estate tax exemption or generation skipping transfer (GST) tax exemption was available, the tax hit would be at the current 40% rate. So making annual exclusion gifts could potentially save the family a significant amount in taxes.
2. Use an ILIT to hold life insurance
If you own an insurance policy on your life, be aware that a substantial portion of the proceeds could be lost to estate tax if your estate is over a certain size. The exact amount will depend on the gift and estate tax exemption amount available at your death as well as the applicable estate tax rate.
However, if you don’t own the policy, the proceeds won’t be included in your taxable estate. An effective strategy for keeping life insurance out of your estate is to set up an irrevocable life insurance trust (ILIT).
An ILIT owns one or more policies on your life, and it manages and distributes policy proceeds according to your wishes. You aren’t allowed to retain any powers over the policy, such as the right to change the beneficiary. The trust can be designed so that it can make a loan to your estate for liquidity needs, such as paying estate tax.
The right strategies for you?
Bear in mind that these two popular strategies might not be right for your specific estate plan. The FMD team can provide you with additional details on each and help you determine if they’re right for you.
© 2023
Addressing guns in an estate plan requires special knowledge
When it comes to estate planning, not all assets are created equal. If you own one or more guns, careful planning is required to avoid running afoul of complex federal and state laws. Without proper planning, there’s a risk that the government will confiscate your guns or that the executor of your estate, your trustees or your beneficiaries will inadvertently commit a felony.
Follow federal, state and local laws
Guns are unique among personal property because federal and state laws prohibit certain persons from possessing firearms. For example, under the federal Gun Control Act, “prohibited persons” include convicted felons, fugitives, unlawful drug users or addicts, mentally incompetent persons, illegal or nonimmigrant aliens, persons dishonorably discharged from the armed forces, persons who have renounced their U.S. citizenship, and persons convicted of certain crimes involving domestic violence or subject to certain domestic violence restraining orders.
Other persons may be prohibited from receiving firearms under state or local laws. These restrictions apply not only to your beneficiaries, but also to executors or trustees who come into possession of firearms.
Under federal law, certain firearms — such as short-barreled rifles, shotguns and fully automatic machine guns — must be registered (with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives) to a transferee by the transferor. And additional steps must be taken when transporting these firearms across state lines. For other types of firearms, states may require registration and may impose mandatory background checks, permits and other requirements for firearms transported across state lines.
Consider a gun trust
Given the complexity of federal and state gun laws, and the stiff penalties for violating them, it’s critical to consult knowledgeable advisors when providing for guns in your estate plan. You might also consider creating a gun trust — with a trustee who has expertise on gun laws, safety and storage protocols, and transfer requirements — to facilitate the process.
© 2023