Gina Choi

Gina Choi is a current student at Oakland University where she is majoring in accounting.  She is excited to be a part of Fenner, Melstrom & Dooling, PLC as the winter intern for this tax season and is ready to learn all she can about the profession.

Gina had experience as a student leader on campus. She was the Student Activities Funding Board Chairperson and was able to interact with and allocate funds to all 300+ student organizations to improve campus life. Gina is also an active sister of Gamma Phi Beta sorority allowing her to be a member of Greek council.  She served as Greek Council Vice President and Greek Week Chair where she was responsible for planning and executing events to raise money for a philanthropic cause and promote unity.

Whenever she had the time, Gina enjoys golfing, tennis, and trying new restaurants. She is also an avid musician and enjoys expanding her piano and classical guitar repertoire.